Butler Lampson
TECS Week 2005
January 2005
Note: These slides
were prepared in Word, and some of the formatting is lost in this HTML version.
Here are the Word and Acrobat
Introduction: what is security?
Principals, the “speaks for” relation, and chains of responsibility
Secure channels and encryption
Names and groups
Authenticating systems
It’s about value, locks, and punishment.
-Locks good enough that bad guys don’t break in very often.
-Police and courts good enough that bad guys that do break in get caught and punished often enough.
-Less interference with daily life than value of loss.
Security is expensive—buy only what you need.
-People do behave this way
-We don’t tell them this—a big mistake
-Perfect security is the worst enemy of real security
Policy: Specifying security
is it supposed to do?
Mechanism: Implementing security
does it do it?
Assurance: Correctness of security
it really work?
Secrecy controlling who gets to read information
Integrity controlling how information changes or resources are used
Availability providing prompt access to information and resources
Accountability knowing who has had access to information or resources
Vandalism or sabotage that
– damages information integrity
– disrupts service availability
Theft of money integrity
Theft of information secrecy
Loss of privacy secrecy
Bad (buggy or hostile) programs
– Bad
(careless or hostile) people
giving instructions to good programs
– Bad guys corrupting or eavesdropping on communications
– Adversaries that can and want to exploit vulnerabilities
Coarse: Isolate—Keep everybody out
– Disconnect
Medium: Exclude—Keep the bad guys out
– Code signing, firewalls
Fine: Restrict—Let the bad guys in, but keep them from doing damage
– Hardest to implement
– Sandboxing, access control
Recover—Undo the damage. Helps with integrity.
– Backup systems, restore points
Punish—Catch the bad guys and prosecute them
– Auditing, police
Trusted Computing Base (TCB)
– Everything that security depends on
– Must get it right
– Keep it small and simple
Elements of TCB
– Hardware
– Software
Defense in depth
Network, with a firewall
Operating system, with sandboxing
– Basic OS (such as NT)
– Higher-level OS (such as Java)
Application that checks authorization directly
All need authentication
Policy: Only outgoing Web access
TCB: firewall allowing outgoing port 80 TCP connections, but no other traffic
Hardware, software, and configuration
Policy: Unix users can read system directories, and read and write their home directories
TCB: hardware, Unix kernel, any program that can write a system directory (including any that runs as superuser).
Also /etc/passwd, permissions on all directories.
Done again for each system, unlike HW or SW
– New chance for mistakes each time
Done by amateurs, not experts
– No learning from experience
– Little training
Needs to be very simple
– At the price of flexibility, fine granularity
Users—keep it simple
– At most three levels: self, friends, others
Three places to put objects
– Everything else done automatically with policies
Administrators—keep it simple
– Work by defining policies. Examples:
Each user has a private home folder
Each user in one workgroup with a private folder
System folders contain vendor-approved releases
All executable programs signed by a trusted party
Today’s systems don’t support this very well
It’s 2 am. Do you know what software is running on your machine?
Secure configuration Þ some apps don’t run
– Hence must be optional: “Secure my system”
– Usually used only in an emergency
Affects the entire configuration
– Software: apps, drivers, macros
– Access control: shares, authentication
Also need configuration audit
A. People don’t buy it
– Danger is small, so it’s OK to buy features instead.
– Security is expensive.
Configuring security is a lot of work.
Secure systems do less because they’re older.
– Security is a pain.
It stops you from doing things.
Users have to authenticate themselves.
B. Systems are
complicated, so they have bugs.
– Especially the configuration
Security is not formal
Security is not free
Security is fractal
Abstraction can’t keep secrets
– “Covert channels” leak them
It’s all about lattices
Policy: Specifying security
is it supposed to do?
Mechanism: Implementing security
does it do it?
Assurance: Correctness of security
it really work?
Secrecy Who can read information?
Integrity Who can change things, and how?
Availability How prompt is the service?
Access control model guards
control access
to resources.
Information flow model classify information, prevent disclosure.
Authentication Who said it?
Authorization Who is trusted?
Auditing What happened?
Keep it small and simple.
Validate each component carefully.
A lattice of labels for data:
– unclassified < secret < top secret;
– public < personal < medical < financial
label( f (x)) = max(label( f ), label(x))
Labels can keep track of data properties:
– how secret Secrecy
– how trustworthy Integrity
When you use (release or act on) the data, user needs a ³ clearance
Guards control access to valued resources.
![]() |
Guards control access to valued resources.
Objects entities with state.
Principals can request operations
on objects.
Operations how subjects read or change objects.
Principal may do |
Operation on |
Object |
Taylor |
Read |
File “Raises” |
Lampson |
Send “Hello” |
Terminal 23 |
Process 1274 |
Rewind |
Tape unit 7 |
Schwarzkopf |
Fire three shots |
Bow gun |
Jones |
Pay invoice 432 |
Account Q34 |
Authenticating principals
-Mainly people, but also channels, servers, programs (encryption makes channels, so key is a principal)
Authorizing access
-Usually for groups, principals that have some property, such as “Microsoft employee” or “type-safe” or “safe for scripting”
– Trusted computing base
Assume secure channel from user (without proof)
Authenticate user by local password
– Assign local user and group SIDs
Access control by ACLs: lists of SIDs and permissions
– Reference monitor is the OS, or any RPC target
Domains: same, but authenticate by RPC to controller
Web servers: same, but simplified
– Establish secure channel with SSL
– Authenticate user by local password (or certificate)
– ACL on right to enter, or on user’s private state
Just like OS except for authentication
OS does RPC to domain for authentication
– Secure channel to domain
– Just do RPC(user, password) to get user’s SIDs
Domain may do RPC to foreign domain
– Pairwise trust and pairwise secure channels
– SIDs include domain ID, so a domain can only authenticate its own SIDs
Server: Simplified from single OS
– Establish secure channel with SSL
– Authenticate user by local password (or certificate)
– ACL on right to enter, or on user’s private state
Browser (client): Basic authentication
– Of server by DNS lookup, or by SSL + certificate
– Of programs by supplier’s signature
Good programs run as user
Bad ones rejected or totally sandboxed
Alice is at Intel, working on Atom, a joint Intel-Microsoft project
Alice connects to Spectra, Atom’s web page, with SSL
Alice at Intel, working on Atom, connects to Spectra, Atom’s web page, with SSL
Chain of responsibility:
KSSL Þ Ktemp
Þ KAlice
Þ Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Þ Spectra
People Lampson, Taylor
Machines VaxSN12648, Jumbo
Services SRC-NFS, X-server
Groups SRC, DEC-Employees
Roles Taylor as Manager
Joint authority Taylor and Lampson
Weakening Taylor or UntrustedProgram
Channels Key #7438
Lampson says “read /SRC/Lampson/foo”
SRC-CA says “Lampson’s key is #7438”
If A says s and A says (s implies s') then A says s'
If A = B then (A says s) = (B says s)
Thus, A is stronger than B, or responsible for B, about T
Precisely: (A says s) Ù (s Î T) implies (B says s)
These are the links in the chain of responsibility
Alice Þ Atom group of people
Key #7438 Þ Alice key for Alice
“P says Q Þ R”
There are three questions about this evidence
– How do we know that P says the delegation?
– Why do we trust P for this delegation?
– Why is P willing to say it?
If P is |
then |
a key |
P signs X cryptographically |
some other channel |
message X
arrives on channel P |
the verifier itself |
X is an entry in a local database |
These are the only ways that the verifier can directly know who said something: receive it on a secure channel or store it locally
Otherwise we need C Þ P, where C is one of these cases
– Get this by recursion
Reasonable if P is competent and accessible.
Some facts are installed manually
– KIntel Þ Intel, when Intel and Microsoft establish a direct relationship
– The ACL entry Lampson Þ usr/Lampson
Others follow from the properties of some algorithm
– If
Diffie-Hellman yields KDH, then I can say
“KDH Þ me, provided
You are
the other end of the KDH run
You don’t
disclose KDH to anyone else
You don’t
use KDH to send anything yourself.”
In practice I simply sign KDH Þ Kme
Others follow from the properties of some algorithm
– If server S starts process P from and sets up a channel C from P, it can say C Þ SQLv71
Of course, only someone who believes S Þ SQLv71 will believe this
To be conservative, S might compute a strong hash HSQLv71
of SQLv71.exe and
Microsoft says
“HSQLv71 Þ SQLv71”
before authenticating C
Alice at Intel, working on Atom, connects to Spectra, Atom’s web page, with SSL
Chain of responsibility:
KSSL Þ Ktemp
Þ KAlice
Þ Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Þ Spectra
Chain of responsibility:
Þ |
Ktemp |
Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
... |
Ktemp says |
KAlice says |
(SSL setup) |
(via smart card) |
A name is in a name space, defined by a principal P
– P is like a directory. The root principals are keys.
Rule: P speaks for any name in its name space
KIntel Þ Intel Þ Intel/Alice (= Alice@Intel)
KIntel Þ Intel Þ Intel/Alice (= Alice@Intel)
Ktemp |
Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
... |
KIntel says |
A group is a principal; its members speak for it
– Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
– Bob@Microsoft Þ Atom@Microsoft
– …
Evidence for groups: Just like names and keys.
KMicrosoft Þ Microsoft Þ Atom@Microsoft
... Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
Þ |
Atom@Microsoft |
... |
KMicrosoft says |
View a resource object O as a principal
P on O’s ACL means P can speak for O
Permissions limit the set of things P can
say for O
If Spectra’s ACL says Atom can r/w, that means
Spectra says Atom@Microsoft Þr/w Spectra
Spectra’s ACL says Atom can r/w
...Þ |
Alice@Intel |
Þ |
Atom@Microsoft |
Þr/w |
Spectra |
Spectra says |
Request on SSL channel: KSSL says “read Spectra”
Chain of responsibility:
KSSL Þ Ktemp
Þ KAlice
Þ Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Þ Spectra
(1) Put network principals on OS ACLs
(2) Let network principal speak for local one
– Alice@Intel Þ Alice@microsoft
– Use network authentication
replacing local or domain authentication
– Users and ACLs stay the same
(3) Assign SIDs to network principals
– Do this automatically
– Use network authentication as before
The chain of responsibility can be long
Ktemp says KSSL Þ Ktemp
KAlice says Ktemp Þ KAlice
KIntel says
KAlice Þ Alice@Intel
KMicrosoft says Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Spectra says Atom@Microsoft Þr/w Spectra
Can replace a long chain with one summary certificate
Spectra says KSSL Þr/w Spectra
Need a principal who speaks for the end of the chain
This is often called a capability
(A and B) says s º (A says s) and
(B says s)
(A or B) says s º (A says s) or (B
says s)
Now A Þ B º ( A = A and B ) º ( B = A or B )
Thus Þ is the lattice’s partial order
Could we interpret this as sets? Not easily: and is not intersection
A = B is equivalent to (A Þ B) and (B Þ A)
Þ is transitive
and, or are associative, commutative, and idempotent
and, or are monotonic:
If A' Þ A then (A' and B) Þ (A and B)
(A' or B) Þ (A or B)
Important because a principal may be stronger than needed
A lattice of labels:
– unclassified < secret < top secret;
– public < personal < medical < financial
Use the same labels as principals, and let Þ represent clearance
– lampson Þ secret
Or, use names rooted in principals as labels
– lampson/personal, lampson/medical
Then the principal can declassify
• says things directly C says s
• has known possible receivers secrecy
possible senders integrity
• if P is the only possible sender, then C Þ P
Within a node: operating system (pipes, etc.)
Between nodes:
Secure wire difficult to implement
Network fantasy for most networks
Encryption practical
A channel needs a name to be authenticated properly
KAlice says Ktemp Þ KAlice
It’s not OK to have
– KAlice says “this channel Þ KAlice”
unless you trust the receiver not to send this on another channel!
– Thus it is OK to authenticate yourself by sending a password to amazon.com on an SSL channel already authenticated (by a Verisign certificate) as going to Amazon.
Connect n channels A, B, ... to one channel X to make n new sub-channels X|A, X|B, ... Each subchannel has its own address on X
The multiplexer must be trusted
A | B says s º A says (B says s)
| is associative
| distributes over and, or
A Þ*ÞA|B A | B
Multiplexer |
Main channel |
Subchannels |
Address |
OS |
node–node |
process–process |
port or process ID |
Network routing |
node–network |
node–node |
node address |
The channel is defined by the key: If only A knows K–1, then K Þ A (Actually, if only A uses K–1, then K Þ A)
K says s is a message which K can verify
The bits of “K says s” can travel on any path
Verify(K, M, sig) = true iff sig = Sign(K', M) and K' = K-1
– Is sig K’s signature on M?
Concretely, with RSA public key:
– Sign(K-1, M) = RSAencrypt(K-1, SHA1(M))
– Verify(K, M, sig) = (SHA1(M) = RSAdecrypt(K, sig))
Concretely, with AES shared key:
– Sign(K, M) = SHA1(K, SHA1(K || M))
– Verify(K, M, sig) = ( SHA1(K, SHA1(K || M)) = sig)
Concrete crypto is for experts only!
Unseal(K-1, Seal(K, M)) = M, and without K-1 you can’t learn anything about M from Seal(K, M)
Concretely, with RSA public key:
– Seal(K, M) = RSAencrypt(K-1, IV || M)
– Unseal(K, Msealed) = RSAdecrypt(K, M sealed).M
Concretely, with AES shared key:
– Seal(K, M) = AESencrypt(K, IV || M)
– Unseal(K, M sealed) = AESdecrypt(K, M sealed).M
Concrete crypto is for experts only!
Normally when sealing must sign as well!
– Seal(Kseal-1, M || Sign(K sign-1, M))
Often Sign is replaced with a checksum ???
Concrete crypto is for experts only!
Public key: K ¹ K-1
– Broadcast
– Slow
– Non-repudiable (only one possible sender)
– Used for certificates
Key Þ name: KIntel says KAlice Þ Alice@Intel
Temp key Þ key: Ktemp says KSSL Þ Ktemp
KAlice says Ktemp Þ KAlice
Shared key: K = K-1
– Point to point
– Fast
Can simulate public key with trusted on-line server
Use |
Notes |
rsa encrypt |
5 |
ms (25 KB/s) |
sign |
bit modulus |
rsa decrypt |
0.2 |
ms (625 KB/s) |
verify |
Exponent=17 |
sha-1 |
70 |
MBytes/s |
sign |
hmac |
aes |
50 |
MBytes/s |
seal |
256 bit key |
On 2 GHz Pentium, Microsoft Visual C++. Data from Wei Dai at www.cryptopp.com
Might be 2x faster with careful optimization
Network interface parses the packet to find a
key identifier and maps it to a key
for decryption
Parsing depends on network protocol (e.g., TCP/IP)
If K says s, we say that s is signed by K
Sometimes we call “K says s” a certificate
The channel isn’t real-time: K says s is just bits
• An event: s transmitted on channel K
• A pile of bits which makes sense if you know the decryption key
• A logical formula
Standard notation for Seal(Kseal-1, M || Sign(K sign-1, M)) is {M}K. This does not give the meaning
Must parse message bits to get the meaning
– Need unambiguous language for all K’s messages
– In practice, this implies version numbers
Meaning could be a logical formula, or English
– A, B, {K}KCA means C says (to A) “K is a key”. C says nothing about A and B. This is useless
– {A, B, K}KCA means C says “K is a key for A to talk to B”. C says nothing about when K is valid
– {A, B, K, T}KCA means C says “K is a key for A to talk to B first issued at time T”
Receiver must discard duplicates.
This means each message must be unique.
Usually done with
sequence numbers.
Receiver must remember last sequence number while the key is valid.
If C says KA Þ A to B and Eve records this, she can get B to believe in KA just by replaying C’s message.
Now she can replay A’s commands to B.
If she ever learns KA, even much later, she can also impersonate A.
To avoid this, B needs a way to know that C’s message is not old.
Sequence numbers impractical—too much long-term state.
With synchronized clocks, C just adds the time T, saying to B
KC says KA Þ A at T
Otherwise, B tells C a nonce NB which is new, and C sends to B
KC says KA Þ A after NB
Authorization is to named principals. Users have to read these to check them.
Lampson may read file report
Root names must be defined locally
KIntel Þ Intel
From a root you can build a path name
Intel/Alice (= Alice@Intel)
With a suitable root principals can have global names.
may read file /DEC/SRC/udir/Lampson/report
KIntel Þ Intel Þ Intel/Alice (= Alice@Intel)
Ktemp |
Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
... |
KIntel says |
C Þ P; C is the channel, P the sender.
Simplest: trust CA to
authenticate any name:
Þ Anybody
Kca says
Kws Þ
says Kbwl Þ bwl
This also works with shared keys, as in Kerberos.
“Built In”
CA’s in browsers
– There are lots
– Because of politics
– Look
at Tools
/ Internet options / Content / Publishers /
Trusted root certification authorities
This is a configuration problem
This loses a major advantage of public keys, and reduces security.
An offline CAassert, highly secure.
An online CArevoke, highly timely.
Both must sign for the certificate to be believed, i.e.,
CAassert and CArevoke Þ Anybody
Instead, must have many CA's, one for each part.
A tree of directories with principals as the leaves
Authenticating A
to B needs trust only up to
least common ancestor
dec for /dec/lampson ®
root for /dec/lampson ®
New operator except:
Informally, P except M can speak for P / N as long as N ≠ M
except M
except M) | N
Þ P / N except ‘..’
if N ≠ M
(P / N
except M) |
Þ P except N
if N ≠ ‘..’
Effect: Authentication can traverse the tree outward from the starting point, but can never retrace its steps
Start with Clampson Þ /dec/lampson except nil known
Clampson says Cdec Þ /dec
except lampson parent
Cdec says Croot Þ / except dec parent
Croot says Cmit Þ /mit
except “..” child
Cmit says Cclark Þ /mit/clark
except “..” child
Now lampson
trusts only dec
/dec/lampson ®
Chain of responsibility:
Þ |
Ktemp |
Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
... |
Ktemp says |
KAlice says |
(SSL setup) |
(via smart card) |
Hide the secret that authenticates the user
Authenticate without disclosing it
Let a node N speak for the user: N Þ Alice
KAlice Þ Alice
says N Þ Alice
KAlice–1 is the user’s secret
It can be stored encrypted by her password,
or better, held inside a smart card.
Usually a workstation has no permanent identity
– Not true for servers
– Workstation might have a “meets ITG policy” identity
Need a temporary principal for Alice to delegate to at login
Generate login session key Ktemp
CA generates:
– user key: KAlice–1
– child certificate: KCA says KAlice Þ Alice
Certificate is public
Where to keep KAlice–1?
– Smart card
– Encrypted by password
– On a server
Workstation talks to login server
Server confining user’s presence
– Password
– One-time password
– Time-varying password
– Smart card
– Biometrics
Problems with passwords
Advantages of physical “tokens”
What if token is stolen?
Combine token and something tied to user
– Password / PIN
– Biometrics
Problem with passwords: exhaustive search
Problems with biometrics: not secret, can’t change
Check Kca says KAlice Þ Alice
Generate Ktemp –1, a login session key.
Delegate to session key K temp and node key Kn
KAlice says (Ktemp and Kn) Þ KAlice
Then the session key countersigns with a short timeout, say 30 minutes:
Ktemp says Kn Þ Ktemp
discards Ktemp –1 at logout,
and the delegation expires within 30 minutes.
Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Bob@Microsoft Þ Atom@Microsoft
. . .
K Microsoft says Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
KMicrosoft Þ Microsoft Þ Atom@Microsoft
... Þ |
KAlice |
Þ |
Alice@Intel |
Þ |
Atom@Microsoft |
... |
KMicrosoft says |
Set of principals
– Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Principals with some property
– Resident over 21 years old
– Type-checked program
Can think of the group (or property) as an attribute of each principal that is a member
Need a trusted authority: CA Þ typesafe
– Actually KMS says CA Þ KMS / typesafe
Usually done manually
Can also be done by a program P
– A compiler
– A class loader
– A more general proof checker
Logic is the same: P Þ typesafe
– Someone must authorize the program:
– KMS says P Þ KMS / typesafe
An application may have some “built-in” groups
Example: In an enterprise app, each division has
– groups: manager, employees, finance, marketing
– folders: budget, advertising plans, ...
Thus, the steel division is an instance of this, with
– steelMgr, steelEmps, steelFinance, steelMarketing
– folders: steelBudget, steelAdplans, ...
Often we want two authorities for something.
A and B says s = (A says s) Ù (B says s)
We use a compound principal with and to express this:
Lampson and Taylor two users
Lampson and Ingres user running an application
CAassert and CArevoke online and offline CAs
Sometimes want to weaken a principal
A or B says s = (A says s) Ú (B says s)
– A Ú B says “read f ” needs both AÞR f and BÞR f
– Example: Java rule—callee Þ caller Ú callee-code
– Example: NT
restricted tokens—if process P is running untrusted-code
for blampson
P Þ blampson Ú untrusted-code
To limit its authority, a principal can assume a role.
People assume roles: Lampson as Professor
Machines assume roles as nodes by running OS programs: Vax#1724 as bsd4.3a4 = Jumbo
Nodes assume roles as servers by running services:
Jumbo as SRC-NFS
Metaphor: a role is a program
Encoding: A as R º A | R if R is a role
Axioms: A Þ*ÞA|R A as R if R is a role
Workstation22 for Lampson
Ingres for Lampson
A offers: A | B says B | A Þ B for A
B accepts: B | A says B | A Þ B for A
Together: (A | B and B | A) says B | A Þ B for A
Final delegation: B | A Þ B for A
Suppose the ACL for file foo says
SRC-WS for Lampson may read “foo”
If we know WS22 Þ SRC-WS
then WS22 for Lampson
may read “foo”
Get Kbwl–1 from Encrypt(PW, Kbwl–1) with user’s password
Check Kca says Kbwl Þ bwl
Offer meld to node key Kn:
Kbwl | Kn says Kn Þ (Kws as Taos) for Kbwl
Node accepts meld (given Kn Þ Kws as Taos):
Kn | Kbwl says Kn Þ (Kws as Taos) for Kbwl
And from the for axiom & handoff
Kn Þ (Kws as Taos) for Kbwl
A digest X can authenticate a program SQL:
– KMicrosoft says “If
image I has digest X then I is SQL”
formally X Þ KMicrosoft / SQL
– This is just like KAlice Þ Alice@Intel
But a program isn’t a principal: it can’t say things
To become a principal, a program must be loaded into
a host H
– Booting is a special case of loading
makes H
– want to run I if H likes SQL
willing to assert that SQL is running
A loaded program depends on the host it runs on.
We write H as SQL for SQL running on H
H as
SQL says s =
H says SQL
says s
H can’t prove that it’s running SQL
But H can be trusted to run SQL
KTCS says H as
This lets H convince others that it’s running SQL
– H says C Þ KTCS / SQL
Machine has some things accessible at boot time.
A secret Kws–1 A trusted CA key Kca
Boot code does this:
Reads Kws–1 and then makes it unreadable.
Reads boot image and computes digest Xtaos.
Checks Kca says Xtaos Þ Taos.
Generates Kn–1, the node
Signs credentials Kws says Kn Þ Kws
as Taos
Gives image Kn–1 ,
Kca ,
credentials, but not Kws–1.
Other systems are similar: Kws
as Taos
as Accounting
Kws says
Þ Kws as Taos |
credentials |
Kbwl says Kn Þ |
session |
Kn says C Þ Kn |
channel |
C says C | pr
Þ (Kws as
Taos as Accounting)
for Kbwl |
C | pr says “read file foo” |
request |
Instead of authenticating a new key for a loaded system,
– Kws says Kn Þ Kws as Taos
Unseal an existing key
– SK = Seal(KWSseal-1, < ACL: Taos, Stuff: KTaosOnWS-1>)
– Save(ACL: Taos, Stuff: KTaosOnWS-1>) returns SK
– Open(SK) returns KTaosOnWS-1if caller Þ Taos
A cheap, convenient, “physically” separate machine
A high-assurance OS stack (we hope)
A systematic notion of program identity
– Identity = digest of (code image + parameters)
Can abstract this: KMS says digest Þ KMS / SQL
– Host certifies
the running program’s identity:
H says K Þ H as P
– Host grants the program access to sealed data
H seals (data, ACL) with its own secret key
H will unseal for P if P is on the ACL
Protected memory for separate VMs
Unique key for hardware
Random number generator
Hardware attests to loaded software
Hardware seals and unseals storage
Secure channels to keyboard, display
Privacy: Hardware key must be certified by manufacturer
– Use Kws to get one or more certified, anonymous keys from a trusted third party
– Use zero-knowledge proof that you know a mfg-certified key
Upgrade: v7of SQL needs access to v6 secrets
– v6 signs “v7 Þ v6”
– or, both Þ SQL
Threat model: Other software
– Won’t withstand hardware attacks
Keep keys secure
Network logon
Authenticating server
Authorizing transactions
Digital signing
Digital rights management
Need app TCB: factor app into
– a complicated , secure part that runs on Windows
– a simple, secure part that runs on NGSCB
Guards control access to valued resources.
Objects entities with state.
Principals can request operations
on objects.
Operations how subjects read or change objects.
Principal may do |
Operation on |
Object |
Taylor |
Read |
File “Raises” |
Lampson |
Send “Hello” |
Terminal 23 |
Process 1274 |
Rewind |
Tape unit 7 |
Schwarzkopf |
Fire three shots |
Bow gun |
Jones |
Pay invoice 432 |
Account Q34 |
File Raises |
Account Q34 |
Tape unit 7 |
Lampson |
read |
deposit |
Process 1274 |
read/write |
r/w/rewind |
Finance dept |
deposit/ withdraw |
Capability |
Prefer ACLs for long-tem authorization
– Usually need to audit who can access a resource
Capabilities are fine as a short-term cache
– OS file descriptors for open files
View a resource object O as a principal
P on O’s ACL means P can speak for O
Permissions limit the set of things P can
say for O
If Spectra’s ACL says Atom can r/w, that means
Spectra says Atom@Microsoft Þr/w Spectra
Object O’s ACL says: principal P may access O.
Lampson may read and write O
(Jumbo for SRC) may append to O
ACLs need named principals so people can read them.
Checking access:
Given a request Q says read O
an acl P may read/write O
Check that Q speaks for P Q Þ P
rights suffice read/write ≥ read
Thus, A is
stronger than B, or responsible for B, about T
– Precisely: (A says s) Ù (s Î T) implies (B says s)
Permissions represent sets of statements
– P may read/write O = P Þr/w O
Traditionally they appear only in ACLs, not in delegations, which are unrestricted
T can specify some objects and some of their methods
SDSI / SPKI uses “tags” to define sets of statements
A tag is a regular expression, that is, a set of strings
The object interprets a string as a set of statements
Read(*.doc) = reads
of files named *.doc
– < 5000 = purchase orders less than $5000
Also can express unions and intersections of sets
Read(*.doc) and
Expressive T allows bigger objects: a single permission for all .doc files
If A ÞT B and B ÞU C then A ÞTÇU C
A ÞT B ≡ (A says s) Ù (s Î T) implies (B says s)
B ÞU C ≡ (B says s) Ù (s Î U) implies (C says s)
How to implement set intersection ?
– Might be able to simplify the expression
– Always can test s against both T and U
Authorization must be
– set up
– later checked for correctness
– changed as life goes on
This works best when the authorization data is small and simple
But, want to authorize the “least privilege” needed to get the job done
Conflict. Who wins?
ACLs on large sets of resources
– Big subtrees of the file system
– Large sets of web sites
Usually for groups, principals that have some property, such as “Microsoft employee” or “type-safe” or “safe for scripting”
Make a node-to-node channel C = des(Ksr) using shared key encryption.
Establishing Ksr yields C Þ Kn.
The OS multiplexes this single channel among processes.
The OS issues credentials for the subchannels
C | pr.
More multiplexing lets a process speak for several principals.
Prin represents principals, with a subtype Auth for that a process can speak for
AID is an Auth
identifier, a byte string
GetAID(p:Auth): AID;
Send(dest:Chan; m:Msg);
Receive(): (Chan, Msg);
GetPrin(c:Chan; aid:AID): Prin;
RPC marshals an Auth
parameter and unmarshals an aid automatically, thus hiding all these
Check(acl:ACL; p:Prin): BOOL
Managing principals
Inheritance(): ARRAY OF Auth;
Login (name,
password: TEXT): Auth;
role:TEXT): Auth;
Offer (a:Auth;
b:Prin): Auth;
Claim(b:Auth; meld:Prin):
Offer (a:Auth; b:Prin): Auth;
Claim(b:Auth; meld
:Prin): Auth;
secure channel manager creates
process-to-process secure channels.
ChanID = { nk:KeyDigest; pr:INT;
addr:Address };
authority manager associates Auths
with processes and handles authentication requests.
PrinID = { ch:ChanID; aid:AID };
Maintains credentials for local processes and validates certificates from other nodes.
Cred = TEXT, CredT = ...;
password: TEXT): CredT;
role: TEXT): CredT;
p:PrinID): Cred;
p:PrinID): TEXT;
cr:Cred): Cred;
cr:Cred): CredT;
Establishes a trusted mapping between principal names and keys, and between groups and their members.
k:Key): BOOL;
group: TEXT): BOOL;
prog, cert: TEXT);
Authenticate at connection establishment; a client can find out the principal that the connection speaks for.
Authenticate as part of a remote procedure call; the procedure can find the principal the caller speaks for.
Pass the sending principal explicitly in every message.
More flexible: can pass more than one principal.
The interface just tell you the authenticated principal.
A sends B credentials of channel C: proof that C Þ A.
A just sends to B on C. B calls back to A to get credentials. B may cache them
A pushes part of the credentials, and B pulls the rest.
B gets part of the credentials from A, stores part himself, and gets part from network services.
Process pr sends on C | pr; OS multiplexes C.
Receiver’s auth agent asks for C | pr credentials.
Extend pull to names:
– Sender has some long names for principals
– Choose a short (integer, byte string) abbreviation for each name
– AID is an example
– Send the short name; if receiver doesn’t know its definition, it calls back to pull it over
Short names must not be reused
Receiver can discard its short name cache anytime
– It will be refreshed by pull if needed
Kws says
Þ Kws as Taos |
credentials |
Kbwl says Kn Þ |
session |
Kn says C Þ Kn |
channel |
C says C | pr
Þ (Kws as
Taos as Accounting)
for Kbwl |
C | pr says “read file foo” |
request |
Can choose the the flow and storage of encrypted bytes optimize
– simplicity
– performance
– availability.
Public key = off-line broadcast channel.
– Write certificate on a tightly secured offline system
– Store it in untrusted system; anyone can verify it.
Certificates are secure answers to pre-determined queries, (for example, “What is Alice’s key?”) not magic.
– It’s the same to query an on-line secure database (say Kerberos KDC) over a secure channel
Caching can greatly improve performance
It doesn’t affect security or availability
– as long as there’s always a way to reload the cache if gets cleared or invalidated
Given a request Q says read O
an ACL P
may read/write
Check that Q speaks for P Q Þ P
rights are enough read/write ≥ read
Each step is justified by
a signed statement, or
a rule
Authentication Who said it?
Authorization Who is trusted?
Auditing What happened?
Keep it small and simple
Validate each component carefully
Thus, A is stronger than B, or responsible for B, about T
Precisely: (A says s) Ù (s Î T) implies (B says s)
These are the links in the chain of responsibility
Alice Þ Atom group of people
Key #7438 Þ Alice key for Alice
Alice at Intel, working on Atom, connects to Spectra, Atom’s web page, with SSL
Chain of responsibility:
KSSL Þ Ktemp
Þ KAlice
Þ Alice@Intel Þ Atom@Microsoft
Þ Spectra
Look at my web page for these: research.microsoft.com/lampson
Computer security in the real world. At ACSAC 2000. A shorter version is in IEEE Computer, June 2004
Authentication in distributed systems: Theory and practice. ACM Trans. Computer Sys. 10, 4 (Nov. 1992)
Authentication in the Taos operating system. ACM Trans. Computer Systems 12, 1 (Feb. 1994)
SDSI—A Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure, Butler W. Lampson and Ronald L. Rivest.
Jon Howell and David Kotz. End-to-end authorization. In Proc. OSDI 2000
Paul England et al. A Trusted Open Platform, IEEE Computer, July 2003
Ross Anderson—www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rja14
Bruce Schneier—Secrets and Lies
Kevin Mitnick—The Art of Deception