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The Memory System of a High-Performance

Personal Computer


Abstract—The memory system of the Dorado. a compact high-performance personal computer, has very high I/O bandwidth, a large paged virtual memory, a cache, and heavily pipelined control; this paper discusses all of these in detail. Relatively low-speed I/O devices transfer single words to or from the cache; fast devices, such as a color video display, transfer directly to or from main storage while the processor uses the cache. Virtual addresses are used in the cache and for all I/O transfers. The memory is controlled by a seven-stage pipeline, which can deliver a peak main-storage bandwidth of 533 million bits/s to service fast I/O devices and cache misses. Interesting problems of synchronization and scheduling in this pipeline are discussed. The paper concludes with some performance measurements that show, among other things, that the cache hit rate is over 99 percent.

Index Terms—Cache, high bandwidth, memory system, pipeline, scheduling, synchronization. virtual memory.



HIS paper describes the memory system of the Dorado.
                 a high-performance compact personal computer. This
section explains the design goals for the Dorado. sketches its
overall architecture, and describes the organization of the memory system. Later sections discuss in detail the cache (Section II), the main storage (Section III), interactions be­tween the two (Section IV), and synchronization of the various parallel activities in the system (Section V). The paper con­cludes with a description of the physical implementation (Section VI) and some performance measurements (Section VII).

Manuscript received May 31, 1980; revised March 22, 1981.

D. W. Clark was with the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA 94304. He is now with the Systems Architecture Group, Digital Equipment Corporation, Tewksbury, MA 01876.

B. W. Lampson and K. A. Pier are with the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA 94304.

A. Goals

A high-performance successor to the Alto computer [21], the Dorado is intended to provide the hardware base for the next generation of computer system research at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. The Dorado is a powerful but personal computing system supporting a single user within a pro­gramming system that extends from the microinstruction level to an integrated programming environment for a high-level language. It is physically small and quiet enough to occupy space near its users in an office or laboratory setting, and in­expensive enough to be acquired in considerable numbers. These constraints on size, noise, and cost have had a major effect on the design.

The Dorado is designed to rapidly execute programs com­piled into a stream of byte codes [19]; the microcode that does this is called an emulator. 13) te code compilers and corre­sponding microcode emulators exist for Mesa, a Pascal-like system implementation language [7].[ 15], Interlisp, a so­phisticated Lisp implementation [5],[20], and Smalltalk, an object-oriented language for experimental programming [8]. A pipelined instruction fetch unit (iFu) in the Dorado fetches bytes from such a stream, decodes them as instructions and operands, and provides the necessary control and data infor­mation to the emulator microcode in the processor; it is de­scribed in another paper [ 1 1 J. Further support for fast exe­cution comes from a very fast microcycle-60 ns-and a mi­croinstruction set powerful enough to allow interpretation of a simple byte code in a single microcycle; these are described in a paper on the Dorado processor [12]. There is also a cache [2].[13] which has a latency of two cycles, and which can de­liver a 16-bit word every cycle.

Another major goal is to support high-bandwidth input/

0018-9340/81/1000-0715$00.75 © 1981 IEEE

Instruction Fetch Unit Decoder:

Text Box: Slow input/output
267 klbits/sec
Text Box: Fast input/outputText Box: Processor
Reg.slers: 256.16 Slack: 256.16 Cycle: 60 ns
Text Box: 267 Mbds/sec 16 0,15/e10 ns
120 ns access
533 Mbits/seC 250 bos/4N)
I.6 us access
Text Box: Cache
15K .32K bytes
Text Box: Storage
5128.32M byleS
Text Box:  Fig. 1. Dorado block diagram.

output. In particular, color monitors, raster scanned printers, and high-speed communications are all part of the computer research activities within the Palo Alto Research Center; these devices typically have bandwidths of 20-400 million bits/s. Fast devices must not excessively degrade program execution, even though the two functions compete for many of the same resources. Relatively slow devices, such as a keyboard or an Ethernet interface [14], must also be supported cheaply, without tying up the high-bandwidth 1/0 system. These considerations clearly suggest that 1/0 activity and program execution should proceed in parallel as much as possible. The memory system therefore allows parallel execution of cache accesses and main storage references. Its pipeline is fully segmented: it allows a cache reference to start in every mi­croinstruction cycle (60 ns), and a main storage reference to start in every main storage cycle (480 ns).

The implementation of the Dorado memory reflects a bal­ance among competing demands:

·       for simplicity, so that it can be made to work initially, and maintained when components fail;

·       for speed, so that the performance will be well-matched to the rest of the machine;

·       for compactness, since cost and packaging considerations limit the number of components and edgepins that can be used.

None of these demands is absolute, but all have thresholds that are costly to cross. In the Dorado we set a somewhat ar­bitrary speed requirement for the whole machine, and gener­ally tried to save space by adding complexity, pushing ever closer to the simplicity threshold. Although many of the complications in the memory system are unavoidable conse­quences of the speed requirements, some of them could have been eliminated by adding hardware.

B. Gross Structure of the Dorado

Fig. 1 is a simplified block diagram of the Dorado. Aside from 1/0, the machine consists of the processor, the IFU. and the memory system. The memory system in turn contains a cache, a hardware virtual-to-real address map, and main storage. Both the processor and the IFU can make memory references and transfer data to and from the memory through the cache. Slow, or low-bandwidth I/O devices communicate with the processor, which in turn transfers their data to and from the cache. Fast, or high-bandwidth devices communicate directly with storage, bypassing the cache most of the time.

For the most part, data is handled 16 bits at a time. The relatively narrow buses, registers, data paths, and memories which result from this choice help to keep the machine com­pact. This is especially important for the memory, which has a large number of buses. Packaging. however, is not the only consideration. Speed dictates a heavily pipelined structure in any case, and this parallelism in the time domain tends to compensate for the lack of parallelism in the space domain. Keeping the machine physically small also improves the speed, since physical distance (i.e., wire length) accounts for a con­siderable fraction of the basic cycle time. Finally, performance is often limited by the cache hit rate, which cannot be im­proved, and may be reduced, by wider data paths (if the number of bits in the cache is fixed).

Rather than putting processing capability in each I/O controller and using a shared bus or a switch to access the memory, the Dorado shares the processor among all the I/O devices and the emulator. This idea, originally tried in the TX-2 computer [6] and also used in the Alto [21], works for two main reasons. First, unless a system has both multiple memory buses (i.e., multiported memories) and multiple memory modules that can cycle independently, the main factor governing processor throughput is memory contention. Put simply, when I/O devices make memory references, the em­ulator ends up waiting for the memory. In this situation the processor might as well be working for the I/O device. Second, complex device interfaces can be implemented with relatively little dedicated hardware, since the full power of the processor is available to each device.

This processor sharing is accomplished with 16 hardware-scheduled microcode processes, called tasks. Tasks have fixed priority. Most tasks serve a single I/O device, which raises a request line when it wants service from its task. Hardware schedules the processor so as to serve the highest priority re­quest; control can switch from one task to another on every microinstruction, without any cost in time. When no device is requesting service. the lowest priority task runs and does high-level language emulation. To eliminate the time cost of multiplexing the processor among the tasks in this way, a number of the machine's working registers are task-specific, i.e., there is a copy for each task. The implementation typically involves a single physical register, and a 16-element memory which is addressed by the current task number and whose output is held in the register.

Many design decisions were based on the need for speed.

Raw circuit speed certainly comes first. Thus, the Dorado is implemented using the fastest commercially available tech­nology that has a reasonable level of integration and is not too hard to package. When our design was started in 1976, the obvious choice was the ECL (emitter-coupled logic) 10K family of integrated circuits. These circuits make it possible for the Dorado to execute a microinstruction in 60 ns. Second, there are several pipelines, and they are generally able to start a new operation every cycle. The memory, for instance, has two pipelines, the processor two, the instruction fetch unit another. Third, there are many independent buses: eight in the memory, half a dozen in the processor. three in the IFU. These buses increase bandwidth and simplify scheduling, as will be seen in later sections of the paper.

C. Memory Architecture

The paged virtual memory of the Dorado is designed to accommodate evolving memory chip technology in both the address map and main storage. Possible configurations range from the current 22-bit virtual address with l 6K 256-word pages and up to one million words of storage (using 16K chips in both map and storage) to the ultimate 28-bit virtual address with 256K 1024-word pages and 16 million words of storage (using 256K chips). All address buses are wired for their maximum size, so that configuration changes can be made with chip replacement only.

The addressable unit of memory is the 16-bit word. Memory references specify a 16 or 28 bit displacement and, by means of a task-specific register, one of 32 base registers of 28 bits; the virtual address is the sum of the displacement and the base.

Virtual address translation, or mapping, is implemented by table look-up in a dedicated memory. Main storage is the permanent home of data stored by the memory system. Storage is slow (i.e., it has long latency, which means that it takes a long time to respond to a request) because of its implementation in cheap but relatively slow dynamic MOS RAM's (random access memories). To make up for being slow, storage is big and has high bandwidth. which is more important than latency for sequential references. In addition, there is a cache which services nonsequential references with high speed (low laten­cy), but is inferior to main storage in its other parameters. The relative values of these parameters are shown in Table 1.

With one exception (the IFU), all memory references are initiated by microcode in the processor, which thus acts as a multiplexor controlling access to the memory (see Section I-B and [12]) and serves as the sole source of addresses. Once started, however, a reference proceeds independently of the processor. Each one carries with it the number of its originating task, which serves to identify the source or sink of any data transfer associated with the reference. The actual transfer may take place much later, and each source or sink must be con­tinually ready to deliver or accept data on demand. It is pos­sible for a task to have several references outstanding, but order is preserved within each type of reference, so that the task number plus some careful hardware bookkeeping is sufficient to match up data with references.

Table II lists the types of memory references executable by












1 1







Latency Bandwidth Capacity











Reference                            Task                                  Effect

fetchta)                                  any task                               latches one word of data from sMual address

a in the cache and delivers it to FetchReg register

storc(d. a)                              any task                              stores data ward d at virtual address a M-the


I/Oreac(a)                             I/O task only                       reads block at virtual address a in storage

and delivers it to a fast output device

1/0..crice(a)                           I/O task only                       takes a block from a fast input device

and writes it at rirtual address a in storage

preletch(a)                            any task                               loads the cache from sturage with the block

at virtual address a

flush(a)                                  emulator only                     removes from the cache (re-writing to storage

if necessary) the black at virtual address a

mapRead(u)                          emulator only                      reads the map entry addressed by

virtual address a

mapWrite(d, a)             emulator only                        antes d:nto the map entry addressed by

virtaal address a

dvrnmyRef(a)                       any task                              makes a pseudo-reference guaranteed not to

reference storage or alter the cache (useful fc, diagnostics)

microcode. Fig. 2, a picture of the memory system's main data paths, should clarify the sources and destinations of data transferred by these references (parts of Fig. 2 will be ex­plained in more detail later). All references, including fast I/O references, specify virtual, not real addresses. Although a microinstruction actually specifies a displacement and a base register which together form the virtual address, for conve­nience we will suppress this fact and write, for example, fetch(a) to mean a fetch from virtual address a.

A fetch from the cache delivers data to a register called FetchReg, from which it can be retrieved at any later time; since FetchReg is task-specific, separate tasks can make their cache references independently. An 1/Dread reference delivers a 16-word block of data from storage to the FastOutBus (by way of the error corrector, as shown in Fig. 2), tagged with the identity of the requesting task; the associated output device is expected to monitor this bus and grab the data when it ap­pears. Similarly, the processor can store one word of data into the cache, or do an 110write reference, which demands a block of data from an input device and sends it to storage (by way of the check-bit generator). There is also a prefetch reference, which brings a block into the cache without delivering data to FetchReg and without causing the processor to wait in the event of a cache miss. Prefetch can therefore be used to ad­vantage when the microcode can anticipate the need for a particular block. Fetch, store, and prefetch are called cache references. There are special references to flush data from the cache and to allow map entries to be read and written; these will be discussed later.

The IFU is the only device that can make a reference inde­pendently of the processor. It uses a single base register, and is treated almost exactly like a processor cache fetch, except that the IFU has its own set of registers for receiving memory data (see [11] for details). In general, we ignore IFU references

Cache Data Paths                                 Storage Data Paths

I            I


from Processor

Text Box:  Text Box: CacheD
(Cache Data)
Text Box: Fast input DeviceText Box: FetchReg 
to Processor
Text Box: to FllText Box: StoreRegText Box: FastInBusText Box: EcGen
(Check•bn Generator)
Text Box: EcCor
(Error Corrector)
Text Box: FastOutBuSText Box: Fast Output DeviceFig. 2. Memory system data paths.

from now on, since they add little complexity to the memory system.

A cache reference usually hits: i.e., it finds the referenced word in the cache. If it misses (does not find the word), a main storage operation must be done to bring the block containing the requested word into the cache. In addition, fast I/O ref­erences always do storage operations. There are two kinds of storage operations, read and write, and we will generally use these words only for storage operations in order to distinguish them from the references made by the processor. The former transfers a block out of storage to the cache or I/O system; the latter transfers a block into storage from the cache or I/O system. All storage operations are block-aligned.

D. Implementation for High Performance

Two major forms of concurrency make it possible to im­plement the memory system's functions with high perfor­mance.

Physical: The cache (8K-32K bytes) and the main storage (0.5M-32M bytes) are almost independent. Normally, pro­grams execute from the cache, and fast I/O devices transfer to and from the storage. Of course, there must be some cou­pling when a program refers to data that are not in the cache, or when I/O touches data that are: this is the subject of Section IV.

Temporal: Both cache and storage are implemented by fully

segmented pipelines. Each can accept a new operation once per cycle of the memory involved: every machine cycle (60 ns) for the cache, and every eight machine cycles (480 ns) for the storage.

To support this concurrency, the memory has independent buses for cache and main storage addressing (2), data into and out of the cache (2) and main storage (2), and fast input and output (2). The data buses, but not the address buses, are visible in Fig. 2. It is possible for all eight buses to be active in a single cycle, and under peak load sustained utilization of five or six of them can be achieved. In general, there are enough buses that an operation never has to wait for a bus; thus the problems of concurrently scheduling complex operations that share many resources are simplified by reducing the number of shared resources to the unavoidable minimum of the storage devices themselves.

All buses are 16 bits wide; blocks of data are transferred to and from storage at the rate of 16 bits every half cycle (30 ns). This means that 256 bits can be transferred in 8 cycles or 480 ns, which is approximately the cycle time of the RAM chips that implement main storage. Thus, a block size of 256 bits provides a good match between bus and chip bandwidths; it is also a reasonable unit to store in the cache. The narrow buses increase the latency of a storage transfer somewhat, but they have little effect on the bandwidth. A few hundred nanoseconds of latency is of little importance either for sequential I/O transfers or for delivery of data to a properly functioning cache.

Various measures are taken to maximize the performance of the cache. Data stored there is not written back to main storage until the cache space is needed for some other purpose (the write-back rather than the more common write-through discipline [1], [16]); this makes it possible to use memory lo­cations much like registers in an interpreted instruction set, without incurring the penalty of main storage accesses. Virtual rather than real addresses are stored in the cache, so that the speed of memory mapping does not affect the speed of the cache references. (Translation buffers [17], [23] are another way to accomplish this.) This would create problems if there were multiple address spaces. Although these problems can be solved, in a single-user environment with a single address space they do not even need to be considered.

Another important technique for speeding up data manip­ulation in general, and cache references in particular, is called bypassing. Bypassing is one of the speed-up techniques used in the common data bus of the IBM 360/91 [22]. Sequences of instructions having the form

1)       register          computation l

2)       computation2 involving the register

are very common. Usually the execution of the first instruction takes more than one cycle and is pipelined. As a result, how­ever, the register is not loaded at the end of the first cycle, and therefore is not ready at the beginning of the second instruc­tion. The idea of bypassing is to avoid waiting for the register to be loaded, by routing the results of the first computation directly to the inputs of the second one. The effective latency of the cache can thus be reduced from two cycles to one in many cases (see Section I I-C).



Cache pipeline





Dirty Victim



The memory system is organized into two kinds of building blocks: pipeline stages, which provide the control (their names are in SMALL CAPITALS), and resources, which provide the data paths and memories. Fig. 3 shows the various stages and their arrangement into two pipelines. One, consisting of the ADDRESS and HITDATA stages, handles cache references and is the subject of the next section; the other, containing MAP. WRITETR, STORAGE, READTRI, and READTR2, takes care of storage references and is dealt with in Sections III and IV. References start out either in PROC, the processor, or in the IFU.

As Fig. 3 suggests, there are no queues between pipeline stages. Passage of a reference from one stage to the next re­quires the second stage to be empty or about to become empty. Each stage handles one reference at a time.


The cache pipeline's two resources, CacheA and CacheD, correspond roughly to its two stages, although each is also used by other stages in the storage pipeline. CacheA stores addresses and associated flags, and contains the comparators which decide whether a given address is currently in the cache. CacheD stores cache data. Fig. 4 shows the data paths and memories of these resources. The numbers on the left side of the figure indicate the time at which a reference reaches each point in the pipeline, relative to the start of the microinstruction making the reference.

Every reference is first handled by the ADDRESS stage, whether or not it involves a cache data transfer. The stage calculates the virtual address and checks to see whether the associated data is in the cache. If it is (a hit), and the reference is a fetch or store. ADDRESS starts HITDATA, which is re­sponsible for the one-word data transfer. On a cache reference that misses, and on any I/O reference, ADDRESS starts MAP, as described in Section III.

HITDATA obtains the cache address of the word being ref­erenced from ADDRESS, sends this address to CacheD, which holds the cache data, and either fetches a word and delivers it to the FetchReg register of the task that made the reference, or stores the data delivered by the processor via the StoreReg register.

A. Cache Addressing

Each reference begins by adding the contents of a base register to a displacement provided by the processor (or IFU). A task-specific register holds a 5-bit pointer to a task's current base register. These pointers, as well as the base registers themselves, can be changed by microcode.

Normally the displacement is 16 bits, but by using both its buses the processor can supply a full 28-bit displacement. The resulting sum is the virtual address for the reference. It is di­vided into a 16-bit key, an 8-bit row number, and a 4-bit word number; Fig. 4 illustrates this. This division reflects the physical structure of the cache, which consists of 256 rows, each capable of holding four independent 16-word blocks of data, one in each of four columns. A given address determines a row (based on its 8 row bits), and it must appear in some column of that row if it is in the cache at all. For each row, CacheA stores the keys of the four blocks currently in that row, together with four flag bits for each block. The Dorado cache is therefore set-associative [3]; rows correspond to sets and columns to the elements of a set.

Given this organization, it is simple to determine whether an address is in the cache. Its row bits are used to select a row, and the four keys stored there are compared with the given address. If one of them matches, there is a hit and the address has been located in the cache. The number of the column that matched, together with the row bits, identifies the block completely, and the four bits of the address select one of the 16 words within that block. If no key matches, there is a miss: the address is not present in the cache. During normal opera­tion. it is not possible for more than one column to match. The entire matching process can be seen in Fig. 4, between 60 and 90 ns after the start of the reference_ The cache address latched at 90 ns contains the row, word, and column; these 14 bits address a single \A ord in CacheD. Of course, only the top 16 key bits of the address need be matched, since the row bits are used to select the row, and all the words of a block are present or absent together.

Four flag bits are stored with each cache entry to keep track of its status. We defer discussion of these flags until Section IV.

Text Box: 720Text Box: TimeText Box: 0 nsText Box: 60Text Box: 30Text Box: CacheAText Box: 90Text Box:  Text Box: /12Text Box: /16Text Box: Procaine( A bus
Text Box: 16Text Box: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. C-30, NO. 10, OCTOBER 1981Text Box: IBase I 4 registers 32 z 281:418 Text Box: Processor B bus VText Box: 'Store/RegText Box: Cache
256 rows 4 columns
Text Box: CacheD
ad dine 
Text Box: lean latch'Text Box: column hit?Text Box: Virtual addressText Box: keText Box: rowText Box: tiOlMainstill1111-41M1o111MISIESIOfflisiD1 1111	M11n10.!!!!.5Text Box: 16	/16 /6Text Box: 4Text Box: Cache dlta
2 banks
2K Or 8K 2K or 8K
words WOrdS
Text Box: 'FetchRegText Box: 411			III
	Cache flags		
11	vacant	d rty	to
rolected	being Loaded	I	,,




Fig. 4. Data paths in the cache. Numbers beside diagonal marks are widths in bits.

Text Box: B. Cache DataText Box: The CacheD resource stores the data for the blocks whose addresses appear in CacheA; closely associated with it are the StoreReg and task-specific FetchReg registers which allow the processor to deliver and retrieve its data independently of the memory system's detailed timing. CacheD is quite simple, and would consist of nothing but a 16K X 16 bit memory were it not for the bandwidth of the storage. To keep up with storage the cache must be able to accept a word every half cycle (30 ns). Since its memory chips cannot cycle this fast, CacheD must be organized in two banks which run a half-cycle out of phase when transferring data to or from the storage. On a hit. however, both banks are cycled together and CacheD behaves like an 8K X 32 bit memory. A multiplexor selects the proper half to deliver into FetchReg. All this is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 does not, however, show how FetchReg is made task-specific. In fact, there is a 16-word memory FetchReg¬RAM in addition to the register shown. The register holds the data value for the currently executing task. When a fetch reference completes, the word from CacheD is always loaded into the RAM entry for the task that made the reference; it is also loaded into FetchReg if that task is the one currently running. Whenever the processor switches tasks, the
FetchRegRAM entry for the new task is read out and loaded into FetchReg. Matters are further complicated by the by­passing scheme described in the next subsection.

StoreReg is not task-specific. The reason for this choice and the problem it causes are explained in Section V-A.

C. Cache Pipelining

From the beginning of a cache reference, it takes two and a half cycles before the data is ready in FetchReg, even if it hits and there are no delays. However, because of the latches in the pipeline (some of which are omitted from Fig. 4) a new refer­ence can be started every cycle; thus the ADDRESS stage, which appears in Fig. 4 to take 90 ns or one and one-half cycles to operate, can be thought of as working in one cycle. If there are no misses the pipeline will never clog up, but will continue to deliver a word every 60 ns. This works because nothing in later stages of the pipeline affects anything that happens in an earlier stage.

The exception to this principle is delivery of data to the processor itself. When the processor uses data that has been fetched, it depends on the later stages of the pipeline. In gen­eral, this dependency is unavoidable, but in the case of the cache the bypassing technique described in Section I-D is used to reduce the latency. A cache reference logically delivers its

data to the FetchReg register at the end of the cycle following the reference cycle (actually halfway through the second cycle. at 150 in Fig. 4). Often the data is then sent to a register in the processor, with a microcode sequence such as

1)       fetch(address)

2)       register 4—• FetchReg

3) ALU computation involving register.

The register is not actually loaded until cycle 3); hence its data, which is ready in the middle of cycle 3), arrives in time, and instruction 2) does not have to wait. The data is supplied to the computation in cycle 3) by bypassing the register. The effective latency of the cache is thus only one cycle in this sit­uation.

Unfortunately, this sleight-of-hand does not always work. The sequence

1)       fetch(address)

2)       ALU computation involving FetchReg

actually needs the data during cycle 2). The ALU computation cannot be bypassed, as can the mere loading of a register. Microinstruction 2) will therefore have to wait for one cycle (see Section V-A).

Data retrieved in cycle 1) would be the old value of FetchReg. This allows a sequence of fetches

1)       fetch (address 1 )

2)       register 1        FetchReg, fetch(address2)

3)       register2         FetchReg, fetch(address3)

4)       register3         FetchReg, fetch(address4)


to proceed at full speed.


Cache misses and fast I/O references use the storage portion of the pipeline, shown in Fig. 3. In this section we first describe the operation of the individual pipeline stages, then explain how fast I/O references use them, and finally discuss how memory faults are handled. Using I/O references to expose the work­ings of the pipeline allows us to postpone until Section IV a close examination of the more complicated references involving both cache and storage.

A. Pipeline Stages

Each of the pipeline stages is implemented by a simple fi­nite-state automaton that can change state on every microin­struction cycle. Resources used by a stage are controlled by signals that its automaton produces. Each stage owns some resources, and some stages share resources with others. Control is passed from one stage to the next when the first produces a start signal for the second; this signal forces the second au­tomaton into its initial state. Necessary information about the reference type is also passed along when one stage starts an­other.

The ADDRESS Stage: As we saw in Section II, the ADDRESS stage computes a reference's virtual address and looks it up in CacheA. If it hits, and is not I/Oread or I/Owrite, control is passed to HITDATA. Otherwise, control is passed to MAP.starting a storage cycle. In the simplest case a reference spends just one microinstruction cycle in ADDRESS, but it can be delayed for various reasons discussed in Section V.

The MAP Stage: The MAP stage translates a virtual address into a real address by looking it up in a dedicated hardware table called the MapRAM, and then starts the STORAGE stage. Fig. 5 illustrates the straightforward conversion of a virtual page number into a real page number. The low-order bits are not mapped; they point to a single word on the page.

Three flag bits are stored in MapRAM for each virtual page:

·       ref, set automatically by any reference to the page;

·       dirty, set automatically by any write into the page;

·       writeProtect. set by memory-management software (using the mapWrite reference).

A virtual page not in use is marked as vacant by setting both writeProtect and dirty, an otherwise nonsensical combination. A reference is aborted by the hardware if it touches a vacant page, attempts to write a write-protected page, or causes a parity error in the MapRAM. All three kinds of map fault are passed down the pipeline to READTR2 for reporting.

MAP takes eight cycles to complete. MapRAM outputs are available for the STORAGE stage in the fifth cycle; the last three cycles are used to rewrite the flags. MapRAM entries (including flags) are written by the mapWrite reference. They are read by the mapRead reference in a slightly devious way explained in Section III-C.

The STORAGE Stage: The Dorado's main storage, a re­source called StorageRAM, is controlled by the STORAGE stage. STORAGE is started by MAP, which supplies the real storage address and the operation type-read or write. Sto­rageRAM is organized into 16-word blocks, and the transfer of a block is called a transport. All references to storage involve an entire block. Transports into or out of the StorageRAM take place on word-sized buses called ReadBus and WriteBus. Block-sized shift registers called ReadReg and WriteReg lie between these buses and StorageRAM. When storage is read, an entire block (256 bits plus 32 error-correction bits) is loaded into ReadReg all at once, and then transported to the cache or to a fast output device by shifting words sequentially out of ReadReg at the rate of one word every half-cycle (30 ns). On a write, the block is shifted a word at a time into WriteReg, and when the transport is finished, the 288 storage chips involved in that block are written all at once. Fig. 6 shows one bit-slice of WriteReg, StorageRAM, and ReadReg (neglecting the error-correction bits); 16 such bit-slices comprise one storage module, of which there can be up to four. Fig. 2 puts Fig. 6 into context.

WriteR.  and ReadReg are not owned by STORAGE, and it is therefore possible to overlap consecutive storage opera­tions. Furthermore, because the eight-cycle (480 ns) duration of a transport approximates the 375 ns cycle time of the 16K MOS RAM chips. it is possible to keep StorageRAM busy essentially all the time. The resulting bandwidth is one block every eight cycles, or 533 million bitsfs. ReadReg is shared between STORAGE, which loads it, and READTRI /2, which shift it. Similarly, WriteReg is shared between WRITETR,

Text Box: VIRTUAL ADDRESS 28 BITS (22)Text Box: 4

18 (14)



MapRAM 2565 (165)

+ ++ 14(12)                    re! WP dirty


2                                          18(14)

MODULE                  STORAGE CHIP


Fig. 5. Virtual address to real address mapping. The notation n(m) means that with current RAM chips the value is m; with future chips the value will be n, for which the boards are wired.

Text Box: wrdeBus Bit 0Text Box:  WriteReg


B40 of word 15      14   13


16 bit serial . parallel-out OM! register


Text Box: Ti16K, 64K, Cr 256K by l bit


16 bit parallel-in, serial-out shift register









Fig 6. One bit-slice of StorageRAM and its data registers.

which loads it, and STORAGE, which writes the data into the RAM chips and releases it when their hold time has expired.

Each storage module has capacity 256K, 1 M, or 4M 16-bit words, depending on whether 16K, 64K, or (hypothetical) 256K RAM chips are used. The two high-order bits of the real address select the module (see Fig. 5); modules do not run in parallel. A standard Hamming error-correcting code is used, capable of correcting single errors and detecting double errors in four-word groups. Eight check bits, therefore, are stored with each quad word; in what follows we will often ignore these bits.

The WRITETR Stage: The WRITETR stage transports a block into WriteReg, either from CacheD or from an input device. It owns ECGen, the Hamming check bit generator, and WriteBus, and shares WriteReg with STORAGE. It is started by ADDRESS on every write, and synchronizes with STORAGE, as explained in Section V-C, It runs for 11 cycles on an I/ Owrite, and for twelve cycles on a cache write, As Fig, 3 shows, it starts no subsequent stages itself.

The READTRI and READTR2 Stages: Once ReadReg is loaded by STORAGE, the block is ready for transport to CacheD or to a fast output device. Because it must pass through the error corrector EcCor, the first word appears on ReadBus three cycles before the first corrected word appears at the input to CacheD or on the FastOut bus (see Fig. 2). Thus, there are at least 11 cycles of activity related to readtransport, and controlling the entire transport with a single stage would limit the rate at which read transports could be done to one every 11 cycles. No such limit is imposed by the data paths, since the error corrector is itself pipelined and does not require any wait between quadwords or blocks. To match the storage, bus, and error corrector bandwidths, read trans­port must be controlled by two eight-cycle stages in series; they

are called READTRI and READTR2.

In fact, these stages run on every storage operation, not just on reads. There are several reasons for this. First, READTR2 reports faults (page faults, map parity errors, error correc­tions) and wakes up the fault-handling microtask if necessary (see Section III-C); this must be done for a write as well as for a read. Second, hardware is saved by making all operations flow through the pipeline in the same way. Third, storage bandwidth is in any case limited by the transport time and the StorageRAM's cycle time. Finishing a write sooner would not reduce the latency of a read, and nothing ever waits for a write to complete.

On a read, STORAGE starts READTRI just as it parallel-loads ReadReg with a block to be transported. READTR1 starts shifting words out of ReadReg and through the error corrector. On a write, READTR I is started at the same point, but no transport is done. READTRI starts READTR2, which shares with it responsibility for controlling the transport and the error corrector. READTR2 reports faults (Section III-C) and corn‑

Text Box:  Text Box: timeText Box: PROC

pletes cache read operations either by delivering the requested word into FetchReg (for a fetch), or by storing the contents of StoreReg into the newly loaded block in the cache (for a store).

B. Fast I/O References

We now look in detail at simple cases of the fast 1/0 refer­ences I/Oread and I/Owrite. These references proceed almost independently of the cache, and are therefore easier to un­derstand than fetch and store references, which may involve both the cache and storage.

The reference I/Oread(x) delivers a block of data from virtual location x to a fast output device. Fig. 7 shows its progress through the memory system; time divisions on the horizontal axis correspond to microinstruction cycles (60 ns). At the top is the flow of the reference through the pipeline: in the middle is a time line annotated with the major events of the reference; at the bottom is a block diagram of the resources used. The same time scale is used in all three parts, so that a vertical section shows the stages, the major events, and the resources in use at a particular time. Most of the stages pass through eight states, labeled 0-7 in the figure_

The I/Oread spends one cycle in the processor and then one in ADDRESS. during which x is computed (base register plus displacement) and looked up in CacheA. We assume for the moment that x misses; what happens if it hits is the subject of Section IV-D. ADDRESS starts MAP, passing it x. MAP translates x into the real address r and starts STORAGE, passing it r; MAP then spends three more cycles rewriting the flags as appropriate and completing the MapRAM cycle. STORAGE does a StorageRAM access and loads the 16-word block of data (together with its check bits) into ReadReg. It then starts READTRI and completes the Sto­rageRAM cycle. READTRI and READTR2 transport the data, control the error corrector, and deliver the data to FastOutBus. Fault reporting, if necessary, is done by READTR2 as soon as the condition of the last quadword in the block is known.

It is clear from Fig. 7 that an I/Oread can be started every eight machine cycles, since this is the longest period of activity of any stage. This would result in 533 million bits/s of band­width, the maximum supportable by the memory system. The inner loop of a fast I/O task can be written in two microin­structions, so if a new I/Oread is launched every eight cycles, one-fourth of the processor capacity will be used. Be­cause ADDRESS is used for only one cycle per I/Oread, other tasks–notably the emulator–may continue to hit in the cache when the I/O task is not running.

I/Owrite(x) writes into virtual location x a block of data delivered by a fast input device, together with appropriate Hamming code check bits. The data always goes to storage, never to the cache, but if address x happens to hit in the cache, the entry is invalidated by setting a flag (Section IV). Fig. 8 shows that an I/Owrite proceeds through the pipeline very much like an I/Oread. The difference, of course, is that the WRITETR stage runs, and the READTR1 and READTR2

CileCk VA MapRAM Map SlorageRAM data in                                  error-corrected block c n

in Caches read data out              read       ReadReg                             FastOD/Bus

Text Box:  Text Box: Storage I RAMText Box: fast output deviseRead

Reg I ReadRes ______________  see,cosses

Fig. 7. An t/Oread reference.

Text Box: PAM q
0 t2 314 IS Is I7 18 Is 1,01


f 12 1 3 I. 1 s I      7 i



block co                                                       block in

INrsteBes                                                      VoiteReg                                                                 clan!: rep rang


check VA

Fba'stInElousn          write Signal

in Cache'                                         to StorageRAM

bees Input demsce




Fast! Sus


C We.

WriteRtro         Reg








Text Box:  Text Box: —heText Box: Storag 5- RAI.4Text Box: Map. RAMFig. 8. An I/O•rite reference.

stages, although they run, do not transport data. Note that the write transport, from FastInBus to WriteBus, proceeds in parallel with mapping. Once the block has been loaded into WriteReg, STORAGE issues a write signal to StorageRAM. All that remains is to run READTRI and READTR2, as ex­plained above. If a map fault occurs during address translation, the write signal is blocked and the fault is passed along to be reported by READTR2.

Fig. 8 shows a delay in the MAP stage's handling of I/Owrite. MAP remains in state 3 for two extra cycles, which are labeled with asterisks, rather than state numbers, in Fig. 8. This delay allows the write transport to finish before the write signal is issued to StorageRAM. This synchronization and others are detailed in Section V.

Because WRITETR takes 11 cycles to run, I/Owrites can only run at the rate of one every 11 cycles, yielding a maximum bandwidth for fast input devices of 388 million bits/s. At that rate, two of every II cycles would go to the I/O task's inner loop, consuming 18 percent of the processor capacity. But again, other tasks could hit in the cache in the remaining nine cycles.

Why does WRITETR take 11 cycles rather than eight, which would seem to fit so well with the other stages? The answer is that write transports themselves are not pipelined, as read transports are. A write transport, just like a read transport, takes more than eight cycles from start to finish, but there are no separate WRITETRI and WRITETR2 stages. The reason for this is practical rather than fundamental: we observed that

back-to-back write transports would be rare, and chose not to spend the extra hardware required for the two-stage solu­tion.

C. History and Fault Reporting

There are two kinds of memory system faults: map and storage. A map fault is a MapRAM parity error, a reference to a page marked vacant. or a write operation to a write-pro­tected page. A storage fault is either a single or a double error (within a quadword) detected during a read. In what follows we do not always distinguish between the two types.

Consider how a page fault might be handled. MAP has read the MapRAM entry for a reference and found the virtual page marked vacant. At this point there may be another reference in ADDRESS waiting for Is.4AP, and one more in the processor waiting for ADDRESS. An earlier reference may be in READTR1, perhaps about to cause a storage fault. The processor is probably several instructions beyond the one that issued the faulting reference, perhaps in another task. What to do? It would be quite cumbersome at this point to halt the memory system, deal with the fault, and restart the memory system in such a way that the fault was transparent to the in­terrupted tasks.

Instead, the Dorado allows the reference to complete, blunts any destructive consequences it might have (such as creating invalid data), and runs fault-handling microcode. A page fault, for example, forces the cache's vacant flag to be set when the read transport is done; hence the bogus data will not be fetched from the cache. At the very end of the pipeline READTR2 wakes up the Dorado's highest priority microtask. the fault task, which must deal appropriately with the fault. perhaps with the help of memory-management software.

Because the fault may be reported well after it happened, a record of the reference must be kept which is complete enough that the fault task can sort out what has happened. Furthermore, because later references in the pipeline may cause additional faults, this record must be able to encompass several faulting references. The necessary information asso­ciated with each reference, about 80 bits, is recorded in a I 6-element memory called History. Table III gives the con­tents of History and shows which stage is responsible for writing each part. History is managed as a ring buffer and is addressed by a 4-bit storage reference number or SRN, which is passed along with the reference through the various pipeline stages. When a reference is passed to the MAP stage. a counter containing the next available SRN is incremented. A hit will cause the address portion of History to be written (useful for diagnostic purposes—see below), but will not increment the SRN counter. The next reference will use the same SRN.

Two hardware registers accessible to the processor help the fault task interpret History: FaultCount is incremented every time a fault occurs; FirstFault holds the SRN of the first (earliest) faulting reference. The fault task is awakened whenever FaultCount is nonzero; it can read both registers and clear FaultCount in a single atomic operation. It then handles FaultCount faults, reading successive elements of History starting with History[FirstFault], and then yields control of the processor to the other tasks. If more faults have occurred


Text Box: Entry
Virtual address,
reference type, task number, cache column
Real page number, MapRAM flags, map fault
Storage fault.
bit corrected (for single errors)
Text Box:  Text Box: Written by
Text Box: MAPText Box: READTR2in the meantime, FaultCount will have been incremented again and the fault task will be reawakened.

The fault task does different things in response to the dif­ferent types of fault. Single bit errors, which are corrected, are not reported at all unless a special control bit in the hardware is set. With this bit set the fault task can collect statistics on failing storage chips; if too many failures are occurring, the bit can be cleared and the machine can continue to run. Double bit errors may be dealt with by retrying the reference; a re­currence of the error must be reported to the operating system, which may stop using the failing memory. and may be able to reread the data from the disk if the page is not dirty, or de­termine which computation must be aborted. Page faults are the most likely reason to awaken the fault task, and together with write-protect faults are dealt with by yielding to mem­ory-management software. MapRAM parity errors may dis­appear if the reference is retried; if they do not, the operating system can probably recover the necessary information.

Microinstructions that read the various parts of History are provided. but only the emulator and the fault task may use them. These instructions use an alternate addressing path to History which does not interfere with the SRN addressing used by references in the pipeline. Reading base registers, the MapRAM, and CacheA can be done only by using these mi­croinstructions.

This brings us to a serious difficulty with treating History as a pure ring buffer. To read a MapRAM entry, for example, the emulator must first issue a reference to that entry (nor­mally a mapRead), and then read the appropriate part of History when the reference completes; similarly, a dummyRef (see Table II) is used to read a base register. But because other tasks may run and issue their own references between the start of the emulator's reference and its reading of History, the emulator cannot be sure that its History entry will remain valid. Sixteen references by 1/0 tasks, for example, will destroy it.

To solve this problem, we designate History [0] as the em­ulator's "private" entry: mapRead, mapWrite, and dummyRef references use it, and it is excluded from the ring buffer. Be­cause the fault task may want to make references of its own without disturbing History, another private entry is reserved for it. The ring buffer proper, then, is a I 4-element memory used by all references except mapRead, mapWrite, and dummyRef in the emulator and fault task. For historical reasons, fetch, store, and flush references in the emulator and fault task also use the private entries; the tag mechanism (Section IV-A) ensures that the entries will not be reused too soon.

The presence of the full cache address in History provided an irresistible opportunity to reduce hardware. At the start of

a read transport, READTRI needs the proper cache address in order to load the new data block and change the flags. This cache address might have been piped along explicitly from ADDRESS to MAP to STORAGE to READTR I , with a significant cost in registers and wires. But since the address is in History anyway (for possible fault-reporting) and the matching SRN is in READTRI as the transport begins, it is a simple matter to read History and use the contents to address the cache. Details of this use of History are given in Section IV-A, below.


The preceding sections describe the normal case in which the cache and main storage function independently. Here we consider the relatively rare interactions between them. These can happen for a variety of reasons, as follows.

1)       Processor references that miss in the cache must read their data from storage.

2)       A dirty block in the cache must be rewritten in storage when its entry is needed.

3)       Prefetch and flush operations explicitly transfer data between cache and storage.

4)       I/O references that hit in the cache must be handled correctly.

Cache-storage interactions are aided by the four flag bits that are stored with each cache entry to keep track of its status (see Fig. 4). The vacant flag indicates that an entry should never match; it is set by software during system initialization, and by hardware when the normal procedure for loading the cache fails, e.g.. because of a page fault. The dirty flag is set when the data in the entry are different from the data in stor­age because the processor did a store: this means that the entry must be written back to storage before it is used for another block. The writeProtected flag is a copy of the corresponding bit in the map. It causes a store into the block to miss and set vacant; the resulting storage reference reports a write-protect fault (Section III-C). The beingLoaded flag is set for about 15 cycles while the entry is in the course of being loaded from storage; whenever the ADDRESS stage attempts to examine an entry, it waits until the entry is not beingLoaded, to ensure that the entry and its contents are not used while in this am­biguous state.

When a cache reference misses, the block being referenced must be brought into the cache. In order to make room for it, some other block in the row must be displaced; this unfortu­nate is called the victim. CacheA almost implements the least recently used rule for selecting the victim. With each row the current candidate for victim and the next candidate, called next victim, are kept. The victim and next victim are the top two elements of an lru stack for that row; keeping only these two is what makes the replacement rule only approximately lru. On a miss, the next victim is promoted to the new victim and a pseudorandom choice between the remaining two col­umns is promoted to the new next victim. On each hit the vic­tim and next victim are updated in the obvious way, depending on whether they themselves were hit. Two considerations ar­gued against full Iru. First, the evidence of cache simulations. both our own and others [9],[18], suggested it would not im­prove the hit rate much. Second, full Iru would require more hardware, notably one more fast RAM chip.

The flow of data in cache-storage interactions is shown in Fig. 2. For example, a fetch that misses will read an entire block from storage via the ReadBus, load the error-corrected block into CacheD, and then make a one-word reference as if it had hit.

What follows is a discussion of the four kinds of cache-storage interaction listed above.

A. Clean Miss

When the processor or IFU references a word w that is not in the cache, and the location chosen as victim is vacant or holds data that is unchanged since it was read from storage (i.e.. its dirty flag is not set), a clean miss has occurred. The victim need not be written back, but a storage read must be done to load into the cache the block containing w. At the end of the read, w can be fetched from the cache or stored in the new block. A clean miss is much like an I/Oread, which was discussed in the previous section. The chief difference is that the block from storage is sent not over the FastOutBus to an output device, but to the CacheD memory. Fig. 9 illustrates a clean miss. The delay from the start of the reference to the data access is 27 cycles, or about 1.6 p.s.

All cache loads require a special cycle, controlled by READTR1, in which they get the correct cache address from History and write the cache flags for the entry being loaded; the data paths of CacheA are used to read this address and write the flags. This RThasA cycle takes priority over all other uses of CacheA and History, and can occur at any time with respect to ADDRESS, which also needs access to these re­sources. Thus, all control signals sent from ADDRESS are in­hibited by RThasA, and any reference in ADDRESS is preempted during this cycle and then resumed. Fig. 9 shows that the RThasA cycle occurs just before the first word of the new block is written into CacheD. (For simplicity and clarity we will not show RThasA cycles in the figures that follow.) During RThasA, the beingLoaded flag is cleared (it was set when the reference was in ADDRESS) and the writeProtected flag is copied from the writeProtected bit in MapRAM (it was passed along from MAP to STORAGE to READTRI). The RThasA cycle is not the logical time to clear beingLoaded, since the block-loading only starts then. It is, however, a con­venient time, as the ADDRESS cycle is needed then anyway. No harm results because the cache itself prevents the processor from accessing the new data.

As soon as the transport into CacheD is finished, the word reference that started the miss can be made, much as though it had hit in the first place. If the reference was a fetch, the appropriate word is sent to FetchReg in the processor (and loaded into FetchRegRAM); if a store, the contents of Store-Reg are stored into the new block in the cache.

If the processor tries to use data it has fetched, it is prevented from proceeding, or held until the word reference has occurred (see Section V-A). Each fetch is assigned a sequence number called its tag, which is logically part of the reference: actually it is written into History, and read when needed by READTRI. Tags increase monotonically. The tag of the last fetch started

Text Box: whyText Box: RT1 I	RT2
fetch loading	I

0                                        10                1                                       25                 3)

1 1 1 1 1 151 1 1   1 1 1 1 1       15 1             1 1 11 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1  1 1
Fig. 9. A clean miss.

by each task is kept in startedTag (it is written there when the reference is made), and the tag of the last fetch completed by the memory is kept in doneTag (it is written there as the fetch is completed); these are task-specific registers. Since tags are assigned monotonically, and fetches always complete in order within a task, both registers increase monotonically. If started-Tag = doneTag, all the fetches that have been started are done, otherwise not; this condition is therefore sufficient to decide whether the processor should be held when it tries to use FetchReg. Because there is only one FetchReg register per task, it is not useful to start another fetch until the preceding one is done and its word has been retrieved. The tags are therefore used to hold up a fetch until the preceding one is done, and thus can be kept modulo 2, so that one bit suffices to represent a tag. Store references also use the tag mechanism, although this is not logically necessary.

(Instead of a sequence number on each reference, we might have counted the outstanding references for each task. This idea was rejected for the following rather subtle reason. In a single machine cycle three accesses to the counter may be re­quired: the currently running task must read the counter to decide whether a reference is possible, and write back an in­cremented value; in addition, READTR2 may need to write a decremented value for a different task as a reference com­pletes. Time allows only two references in a single cycle to the RAM in which such task-specific information must be kept. The use of sequence numbers allows the processor to read both startedTag and doneTag from separate RAM's. and then the processor and the memory to independently write the RAM's; thus, four references are made to two RAM's in one cycle, or two to each.)

Other tasks may start references or use data freely while one task has a fetch outstanding. Cache hits, for example, will not be held up, except during the RThasA cycle and while CacheD is busy with the transport. These and other interreference conflicts are discussed in more detail in Section V. Further­more, the same task may do other references, such as pre-fetches, which are not affected by the tags. The IFU has two FetchReg registers of its own, and can therefore have two fetches outstanding. Hence, it cannot use the standard tag mechanism, and instead implements this function with special hardware of its own.

B.  Dirty Miss

When a processor or IFU reference misses, and the victim has been changed by a store since arriving in the cache, a dirty miss has occurred, and the victim must be rewritten in storage. A dirty miss gives rise to two storage operations: the write that rewrites the victim's dirty block from cache to storage, and the read that loads CacheD with the new block from storage. The actual data transports from and to the cache are done in this order (as they must be), but the storage operations are done in reverse order. as illustrated by a fetch with dirty victim in Fig. 10. Thus, as Fig. 10 shows, the victim reference spends eight cycles in ADDRESS waiting for the fetch to finish with MAP (recall that the asterisks mean no change of state for the stage). During this time the victim's transport is done by


There are several reasons for this arrangement. As we saw in Section III, data transport to and from storage is not done in lockstep with the corresponding storage cycle; only the proper order of events is enforced. The existence of ReadReg and WriteReg permits this. Furthermore, there is a 12-cycle wait between the start of a read in ADDRESS and the latching of the data in ReadReg. These two considerations allow us to interleave the read and victim write operations in the manner shown in Fig. 10. The read is started, and while it proceeds—during the 12-cycle window—the write transport for the victim is done. The data read is latched in ReadReg, and then transported into the cache while the victim data is written into storage.

Doing things this way means that the latency of a miss, from initiation of a fetch to arrival of the data, is the same regardless of whether the victim is dirty. The opposite order is worse for several reasons, notably because the delivery of the new data, which is what holds up the processor, would be delayed by twelve days.

C.    Prefetch and Flush

Prefetch is just like fetch, except that there is no word ref­erence. It is used to preload blocks whose need can be antici­pated in advance. Also, because it is treated strictly as a hint, map-fault reporting is suppressed and the tags are not involved, so later references are not delayed. A prefetch that hits, therefore, finishes in ADDRESS without entering MAP. A prefetch that misses will load the referenced block into the cache and cause a dirty victim write if necessary.

A flush explicitly removes the block containing the ad­dressed location from the cache, rewriting it in storage if it is dirty. Flush is used to remove a virtual page's blocks from the cache so that its MapRAM entry can be changed safely, as might be done, for example, when a page is written out to disk. If a flush misses, nothing happens. It it hits, the hit location must be marked vacant, and if it is dirty, the block must be written to storage. To simplify the hardware implementation, this write operation is made to look like a victim write. Since victim writes are provoked only by read operations (such as fetches and prefetches that miss), a dirty flush is converted by

Text Box:  Text Box: RT1Text Box: RT2Text Box: 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 910 • • . .11Text Box: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6Text Box: 0 1 2 3 0 5Text Box: latch loading	I/Text Box: Mourn unloadingword


101 1 1 1 151 1111121114 ri 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1151 1 1 1 1 D1 1 1 1 1351 1 1 1 roi

Fig. 10. A dirty miss.

the hardware into a flushFetch reference, which is treated almost exactly like a prefetch. When a flush in ADDRESS hits, three things happen:

1)     the victim for the selected row of CacheA is changed to point to the hit column;

2)     the vacant flag is set;

3) if the dirty flag for that column is set, the flush is con­verted into a flushFetch.

Proceeding like a prefetch, the flushFetch does a useless read (which is harmless because the vacant flag has been set), and then a write of the dirty victim. Fig. 11 shows a dirty flush. The flushFetch spends two cycles in ADDRESS instead of the usual one because of an uninteresting implementation problem.

D. Dirty I/Oread

If an I/Oread reference hits in a column with dirty set, the data must come from the cache rather than from storage. This is made as similar as possible to a clean I/Oread, since other­wise the bus scheduling would be drastically different. Hence, a full storage read is done, but at the last minute data from the cache are put on FastOutBus in place of the data coming from storage, which are ignored. Fig. 12 illustrates a dirty I/Oread followed by two clean ones. Note that CacheD is active at the same time as for a standard read, but that it is unloaded rather than loaded. This simplifies the scheduling of CacheD, at the expense of tying up FastOutBus for one extra cycle. Since many operations use CacheD, but only I/Oread uses Fast­OutBus, this is a worthwhile simplification (see Section V-C).


Thus far we have considered memory operations only in isolation from each other. Because the system is pipelined, however, several different operations can be active at once. Measures must be taken to prevent concurrent references from interfering with each other, and to prevent new operations from starting if the system is not ready to accept them. In this section we discuss those measures.

Table IV lists the resources used by each pipeline stage in three categories: private resources, which are used only by one stage; handoff resources, which are passed from one stage to another in an orderly way guaranteed not to result in conflicts;

Text Box: RT1 I	RT2Text Box: wt.Text Box: IlushFetch loadingText Box: nclirn usliCoadingThia is ignored bocaus•

the vecoM flag 13 8@f

0                                     5                               10                             15                             20              25                             30                              35               40

I 1 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 1               i 1 11111
Fig. 11. A dirty flush.

and complex resources, which are shared among several stages in ways that may conflict with each other. These conflicts are resolved in three ways.

1)       If the memory system cannot accept a new reference from the processor, it rejects it, and notifies the processor by asserting the Hold signal.

2)       A reference. once started, waits in ADDRESS until its immediate resource requirements (i.e., those it needs in the very next cycle) can be met: it then proceeds to MAP or to HITDATA, as shown in Fig. 3.

3) All remaining conflicts are dealt with in a single state of the MAP stage.

We will consider the three methods in turn.

A. Hold

Hold is the signal generated by the memory system in re­sponse to a processor request that cannot yet be satisfied. Its effect is to convert the microinstruction containing the request into a jump-to-self; one cycle is thus lost. As long as the same task is running in the processor and the condition causing Hold is still present, that instruction will be held repeatedly. How­ever, the processor may switch to a higher priority task which can perhaps make more progress.

There are four reasons for the memory system to generate Hold.

1)       Data Requested Before It is Ready: Probably the most common type of Hold occurs after a fetch, when the data are requested before they have arrived in FetchReg. For a hit that is not delayed in ADDRESS (see below), Hold only happens if the data are used early in the very next cycle (i.e., if the in­struction after the fetch sends the data to the processor's ALU rather than just into a register). If the data are used late in the next cycle they bypass FetchReg and come directly from CacheD (Section WC); if they are used in any later cycle they come frorh FetchReg. In either case there will be no Hold. If the fetch misses, however, the matching FetchReg operation will be held (by the tag mechanism) until the missing block has been loaded into the cache, and the required word fetched into FetchReg.

2)        ADDRESS BUSY: A reference can be held up in AD­DRESS for a variety of reasons, e.g., because it must proceed to MAP, and MAP is busy with a previous reference. Other reasons are discussed in Section V-B below. Every reference

RT 1 I


PT/ 1 RT2

RT1 I                RT2



clean 1/Oread 1

clean I/Oread 2


Fig. 12. A dirty I/Oread and two clean ones.












Pd.!, Resource







Tod n Bus




Hasioli Resosraes





Y. -.Res

WnieRes ReadRes

R :saes Rea dBus EcCor FamOur.Bus

RcadBus li:Cor FastOutBus

Coopka Rescumces

Fach R es SLoreRes



f I 'gory

FettehRes Swats C.:1*D





CadleD History

Fetchlt el StoreRes Cachet)

I kaary


needs to spend at least one cycle in ADDRESS, so new refer­ences will be held as long as ADDRESS is busy. A reference needs the data paths of CacheA in order to load its address into ADDRESS, and these are busy during the RThasA cycle dis­cussed above (Section IV-A); hence a reference in the cycle before RThasA is held.

3)       StoreReg Busy: When a store enters ADDRESS, the data supplied by the processor is loaded into StoreReg. If the store hits and there is no conflict for CacheD. StoreReg is written into CacheD in the next cycle. as Fig. 4 shows. If it misses, StoreReg must be maintained until the missing block arrives in CacheD, and so new stores must be held during this time because StoreReg is not task-specific. Even on a hit. CacheD may be busy with another operation. Of course new stores by the same task would be held by the tag mechanism anyway, so StoreReg busy will only hold a store in other tasks. A task-specific StoreReg would have prevented this kind of Hold, but the hardware implementation was too expensive to do this, and we observed that stores are rare compared to fetches in any case. (Performance measurements reported in Section VII support this.)

4)       History Busy: As discussed in Section III-C, a reference uses various parts of the History memory at various times as it makes it way through the pipeline. Microinstructions for reading History are provided, and they must be held if they will conflict with any other use.

The memory system must generate Hold for precisely the

above reasons. It turns out, however, that there are several situations in which hardware can be saved or the microcycle time reduced if Hold is generated when it is not strictly needed. This was done only in cases that we expect to occur rarely, so the performance penalty of the extra Holds should be small. An extra Hold has no logical effect, since it only converts the current microinstruction into a jump-to-self. One example of this situation is that a reference in the cycle after a miss is al­ways held, even though it must be held only if the miss' victim is dirty or the map is busy; the reason is that the miss itself is detected barely in time to generate Hold, and there is no time for additional logic. Another example: uses of FetchReg are held while ADDRESS is busy, although they need not be. since they do not use it.

B. Waiting in ADDRESS

A reference in ADDRESS normally proceeds either to HITDATA (in the case of a hit) or to MAP (for a miss, a victim write or an I/0 reference) after one cycle. If HITDATA or MAP is busy, it will wait in ADDRESS, causing subsequent references to be held because ADDRESS is busy, as discussed above.

HITDATA uses CacheD, and therefore cannot be started when CacheD is busy. A reference that hits must therefore wait in ADDRESS while CacheD is busy, i.e., during transports to and from storage, and during single-word transfers resulting from previous fetches and stores. Some additional hardware would have enabled a reference to be passed to HITDATA and wait there, instead of in ADDRESS. for CacheD to become free; ADDRESS would then be free to accept another reference. This performance improvement was judged not worth the requisite hardware.

When MAP is busy with an earlier reference, a reference in ADDRESS will wait if it needs MAP. An example of this is shown in Fig. 10, where the victim write waits while MAP handles the read. However, even if MAP is free, a write must wait in ADDRESS until it can start WRITETR; since WRITETR always takes longer than MAP, there is no point in starting MAP first, and the implementation is simplified by the rule that starting MAP always frees ADDRESS. Fig. 13 shows two

IDIIII151IIIICII11151t11~fI1IP1111PII1I11III 'I1 Fig. 13. Two 1/0writes.

back-to-back I/Owrites, the second of which waits one extra cycle in ADDRESS before starting both WRITETR and MAP.

The last reason for waiting in ADDRESS has to do with the beingLoaded flag in the cache. If ADDRESS finds that being-Loaded is set anywhere in the row it touches, it waits until the flag is cleared (this is done by READTR I during the RThasA cycle). A better implementation would wait only if the flag is set in the column in which it hits, but this was too slow and would require special logic to ensure that an entry being loaded is not chosen as a victim. Of course it would be much better to Hold a reference to a row being loaded before it gets into AD­DRESS, but unfortunately the reference must be in AD­DRESS to read the flags in the first place.

C Waiting in MAP

The traffic control techniques discussed thus far, namely, Hold and waiting in ADDRESS, are not sufficient to prevent all the conflicts shown in Table IV. In particular, neither deals with conflicts downstream in the pipeline. Such conflicts could be resolved by delaying a reference in ADDRESS until it was certain that no further conflicts with earlier references could occur. This is not a good idea because references that hit, which is to say most references, must be held when ADDRESS is busy. If conflicts are resolved in MAP or later. hits can proceed un­impeded, since they do not use later sections of the pipeline.

At the other extreme, the rule could be that a stage waits only if it cannot acquire the resources it will need in the very next cycle. This would be quite feasible for our system, and the proper choice of priorities for the various stages can clearly prevent deadlock. However, each stage that may be forced to wait requires logic for detecting this situation, and the cost of this logic is significant. Furthermore, in a long pipeline gath­ering all the information and calculating which stages can proceed can take a long time, especially since in general each stage's decision depends on the decision made by the next one in the pipe.

For these reasons we adopted a different strategy in the Dorado. There is one point, early in the pipeline but after ADDRESS, at which all remaining conflicts are resolved. A reference is not allowed to proceed beyond that point without a guarantee that no conflicts with earlier references will occur; thus no later stage ever needs to wait. The point used for this purpose is state 3 of the MAP stage, written as MAP.3. No shared resources are used in states 0-3, and STORAGE is not started until state 4. Because there is just one wait state in the pipeline, the exact timing of resource demands by later stages is known and can be used to decide whether conflicts are pos­sible. Davidson's technique [4] might have been used to control the MAP wait, but it is too expensive in hardware. The actual implementation uses a combinational function of signals from other pipeline stages to decide whether to repeat MAP.3 or not.         

We will now discuss in turn the various conflicts that lead to waiting in MAP.3.

Synchronizing STORAGE and WRITETR: In a write opera­tion WRITETR runs in parallel but not in lockstep with MAP; see, for example, Fig. 10. Synchronization of the data transport with the storage reference itself is accomplished by two things.

MAP.3 waits for WRITETR to signal that the transport is far enough along that the data will arrive at the Storage-RAM chips no later than the write signal generated by STORAGE. This condition must be met for correct functioning of the chips. Fig. 13 shows MAP waiting dur­ing an I/Owrite.

WRITETR will wait in its next-to-last state for STORAGE to signal that the data hold time of the chips with respect to the write signal has elapsed; again, the chips will not work if the data in WriteReg is changed before this point. Fig. 10 shows WRITETR waiting during a victim write. The wait shown in the figure is actually more conservative than it needs to be. since WRITETR does not change WriteReg immediately when it is started.

CacheD: Consecutive Cache Loads: Loading a block into CacheD takes 9 cycles, as explained in Section IV-A, and a word reference takes one more. Therefore, although the pipeline stages proper are 8 cycles long, cache loads must be spaced either 9 or 10 cycles apart to avoid conflict in CacheD. After a fetch or store, the next cache load must wait 10 cycles, since these references tie up CacheD for 10 cycles. After a prefetch, flush Fetch or dirty I/Oread, the next cache load must wait for 9 cycles. STORAGE sends MAP a signal that

causes MAP.3 CO %%, ait for one or two extra cycles, as appro‑

priate. Fig. 14 shows a fetch followed by a prefetch, followed by a store, and illustrates how CacheD conflict is avoided by extra cycles spent in MAP.3. Note that the prefetch waits two extra cycles, while the store only waits one extra.

CacheD: Load and Unload: The other source of conflict for CacheD is between loading it in a miss read and unloading it in a victim write. This conflict does not arise between a miss read and its own victim because the victim is finished with CacheD before the read needs it; Fig. l0 illustrates this. There is a potential conflict, however, between a miss read and the next reference's victim. CacheD is loaded quite late in a read, but unloaded quite early in a write, as the figure shows, so the pipeline by itself will not prevent a conflict. Instead, the fol­lowing interlock is used. If a miss is followed by another miss with a dirty victim:

ADDRESS waits to start WRITETR for the victim transport until the danger of CacheD conflict with the first miss is past.

MAP.3 waits while processing the read for the second miss (not its victim write) until WRITETR has been started.

RT1        1


RT1 1


RT1 1



loading i




load-ng II

word                                                                        word

fetched                                                                      shed

0                     5                  10                 15                 20                    25                                  35                40                45

Fig. 14. Cache load conflict for CacheD.

store       fetch         fetch's dirty victim

Text Box:  Text Box: 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 . 11Text Box: 4 5 671 0 1 2 3 4 5 8Text Box: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6_ 1

10___ 1 2 3 4 5 8 1

7101 2 3 4 5 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6  71L3 1 2 3 4 5 8  1

101 234 5 6_122 2 3 4 5 8 71

wad                                                                              word

stored                                                                            fetched

                                          10                15                 20                    25             33                                    35                ao            as        so          ss

101111151 I 1 1 1   I I 1 1 I 1 I I     I       I 1 1 I 1      I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I  I I I     1     i         1 I 1    I I 1 I 1                1 1 I1

Fig. 15. Cache load/unload conflict for CacheD.

This ensures that the second read will not get ahead of its victim write enough to cause a CacheD conflict. Actually, to save hardware we used the same signal to control both waits, which causes MAP.3 to wait two cycles longer than necessary.

Fig. 15 shows a store with clean victim followed by a fetch with dirty victim and illustrates this interlock. ADDRESS waits until cycle 26 to start WRITETR. Also, the fetch waits in MAP.3 until the same cycle, thus spending 13 extra cycles there. which forces the fetch victim to spend 13 extra cycles in ADDRESS. The two-cycle gap in the use of CacheD shows that the fetch could have left MAP,3 in cycle 24.

FastOutBus Conflicts: The final reason for waiting in MAP.3 is a conflict over the FastOutBus, used by I/Oread references. A dirty I/Oread uses FastOutBus one cycle later than an ordinary I/Oread, so that it can use CacheD with the same timing as a cache load; see Section IV-D. The potential FastOutBus conflict is prevented by delaying an I/Oread immediately after a dirty I/Oread by one extra cycle in MAP.3. Fig. 12 illustrates this, and also shows how clean 1/Oreads can start every eight cycles and encounter no delay.


A primary design goal of the Dorado as a personal computer is compactness. The whole machine (except the storage) is implemented on a single type of logic board, which is 14 in square, and can hold 288 16-pin integrated circuits and 144 8-pin packages containing terminating resistors. There are 192 pins on each side of the board; 8 are used for power connec­tions, and the remainder in pairs for grounds and signals. Thus, 184 signals can enter or leave the board. Fig. 16 shows a Do­rado board.

Boards slide into zero-insertion-force connectors mounted in two sideplanes, one on each side of the board, which have both bus wiring and interboard point-to-point wiring. Inter-board spacing is 0.625 in, so that the chassis stack of 24 board slots is 15 in high. The entire machine, including cooling and power, occupies about 4.5 cubic feet. Fig. 17 shows a Dorado chassis atop its power supply cabinet. For the office or labo­ratory environment this comparatively small assembly slides into a soundproofing enclosure that measures four feet X four feet X two feet. Fig. 18 shows a Dorado in its enclosure, which includes room for a Trident disk. Dorados can also be rack-mounted.

Fig. 17. Dorado chassis and power supply.

Main storage boards are the same size as logic boards, but are designed to hold an array of MOS RAM's instead of ran­dom ECL logic. A pair of storage boards make up a module, which holds 512K bytes (plus error correction) when populated with 16K RAM's, 2M bytes with 64K RAM's, or 8M bytes with (hypothetical) 256K RAM's. There is room for four modules, and space not used for storage modules can hold I/O boards. Within a module, one board stores all the words with even addresses, the other those with odd addresses. The boards are identical, and are differentiated by sideplane wiring.

A standard Dorado contains, in addition to its storage boards, 11 logic boards, including disk, display, and network controllers. Extra board positions can hold additional I/O controllers. Three boards implement the memory system (in

Fig. 18. Dorado in enclosure_

about 800 chips); they are called the Address board, the Pipe board, and the Data board, names which reflect the functional partition of the system. The Address board contains the pro­cessor interface, base registers and virtual address computa­tion, CacheA (implemented in 256 by 4 RAM's) and its comparators, and the lru computation. It also generates Hold, addresses the Data board on hits, and sends storage references to the Pipe board.

The Data board houses CacheD, which is implemented with 1K by I or 4K by 1 ECL RAM's, and holds 8K or 32K bytes, respectively. This board is also the source for FastOutBus and WriteBus. and the sink for FastlnBus and ReadBus, and it holds the Hamming code generator, checker, and corrector. This Pipe board implements MapRAM, all of the pipeline stage automata (except ADDRESS and HITDATA) and their interlocks, and the fault reporting. destination bookkeeping, and refresh control for the MapRAM and StorageRAM chips. The History memory is distributed across the boards: addresses on the Address board, control information on the Pipe board, and data errors on the Data board.

Although our several prototype Dorados can run at a 50 ns microcycle, additional machines will run instead at 60 ns. This is due mainly to a change in board technology from a relatively expensive point-to-point wire-routing method to a cheaper Manhattan routing method.


The memory system's performance is best characterized by two key quantities: the cache hit rate and the percentage of cycles lost due to Hold (Section V-A). In fact, Hold by itself measures the cache hit rate indirectly, since misses usually cause many cycles of Hold. Also interesting are the frequencies of stores and of dirty victim writes, which affect performance



As a percentage nfcyclest References              Ilolds

As a percentage of sere:racer tins                       Stores

As a percentage of raises: tains




















by increasing the number of Holds and by consuming storage bandwidth. We measured these quantities with hardware event-counters, together with a small amount of microcode that runs very rarely and makes no memory references itself. The measurement process, therefore, perturbs the measured pro­grams only trivially.

We measured three Mesa programs: two VLSI design-automation programs, called Beads and Placer, and an im­plementation of Knuth's TEX [10]. All three were run for several minutes (several billion Dorado cycles). The cache size was 4K 16-bit words.

Table V shows the results. The first column shows the per­centage of cycles that contained cache references (by either the processor or the i Fu), and the second, how many cycles were lost because they were held. Holds, happily, are fairly rare_ The hit rates shown in column three are gratifyingly large—all over 99 percent. This is one reason that the number of held cycles is small: a miss can cause the processor to be held for about 30 cycles while a reference completes. In fact, the table shows that Hold and hit are inversely related over the programs measured. Beads has the lowest hit rate and the most Holds; Placer has the highest hit rate and the fewest Holds.

The percentage of store references is interesting because stores eventually give rise to dirty victim write operations, which consume storage bandwidth and cause extra Holds by tying up the ADDRESS section of the pipeline. Furthermore, one of the reasons that the StoreReg register was not made task-specific was the assumption that stores would be relatively rare (see the discussion of StoreReg in Section V-A). Table

V shows that stores accounted for between 10 and 19 percent of all references to the cache.

Comparing the number of hits to the number of stores shows that the write-back discipline used in the cache was a good choice. Even if every miss had a dirty victim, the number of victim writes would still be much less than under the write-through discipline, when every store would cause a write. In fact, not all misses have dirty victims, as shown in the last column of the table. The percentage of misses with dirty vic­tims varies widely from program to program. Placer, which had the highest frequency of stores and the lowest frequency of misses, naturally has the highest frequency of dirty victims. Beads, with the most misses but the fewest stores, has the lowest. The last three columns of the table show that consid­ering the three programs together. write operations would increase about a hundredfold if write-through were used in­stead of write-back. Total storage operations not due to fast 1/0 would increase by a factor of about 25.


The concept and structure of the Dorado memory system are due to B. Lampson and C. Thacker. Much of the design was brought to the register-transfer level by Lampson and B.

'so can r;-„I ri ete.te                      ; err.] ottretaart tn ;net nr A                                     taro,.

done by the authors and E. McCreight, who was responsible for the main storage boards. Debugging software and micro­code were written by E. Fiala. W.-S. Haugeland, and G. McDaniel. Haugeland and McDaniel were also of great help in collecting the statistics reported in Section VII. Useful comments on earlier versions of this paper were contributed by F. Baskett, E. Cohen, G. McDaniel, J. Morris, T. Rentsch, C. Thacker, and the referees.


[1]   J. Bell, D. Casasent, and C. G. Bell, "An investigation of alternative cache organizations," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-23, pp. 346-351, Apr. 1974.

[2]   L. Bloom, M. Cohen, and S. Porter, "Considerations in the design of a computer with high logic-to-memory speed ratio," in Proc. Gigacycle Comput. Syst., A IEE Special Pub. S-136, Jan. 1962, pp. 53-63.

[3] C. J. Conti. "Concepts for buffer storage," IEEE Comput. Group News, vol. 2, pp. 9-13, Mar. 1969.

14] E. S. Davidson, "The design and control of pipelined function genera­tors," in Proc. 197! Int. Conf Syst. Networks, Comput., Oaxtepec, Mexico, Jan. 1971, pp. 19-21.

[5]   L. P. Deutsch, "Experience with a microprogrammed Interlisp system," in Proc. 11th Annu. Microprogramming Workshop, Asilomar Conf. Ground, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 1978.

[6]   J. W. Forgie, "The Lincoln TX-2 input-output system," in Proc. Western Joint Comput. Conf., Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 1957, pp. 156- 160.

[7]   C. M. Geschke, J. H. Morris, Jr., and E. H. Satterthwaite, "Early ex­perience with Mesa," Commun. Ass. Comput. Mach., vol. 20, pp. 540-552, Aug. 1977.

[8]   D. Ingalls, "The Smalltalk-76 programming system: Design and im­plementation," in Proc. 5th ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Lang., Tucson, AZ, Jan. 1978, pp. 9-16.

[9]     K. R. Kaplan and R. 0. Winder, "Cache-based computer systems," Computer, pp. 30-36, Mar. 1973.

[10]  D. E. Knuth, TEX and METAFONT: New Directions in Typesetting. Bedford, MA: American Math. Soc. and Digital Press, 1979.

[11] B. W. Lampson, G. A. McDaniel, and S. M. Ornstein, "An instruction fetch unit for a high performance personal computer," Xerox Palo Alto Res. Cen., Palo Alto, CA, Tech. Rep. CSL-81-1, 1981.

[121 B. W. Lampson and K. A. Pier, "A processor for a high performance personal computer," in Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Comput. Arch., La Baule, France, May 1980, pp. 146-160; also in Tech. Rep. CSL-81-1, Xerox Palo Alto Res. Cen., Palo Alto, CA, 1981.

[13]  J. S. Liptay, "Structural aspects of the System/360 model 85. H. The cache," IBM Syst. J., vol. 7, no. I, pp. 15-21,1968.

[14]  R. M. Metcalfe and D. R. Boggs, "Ethernet: Distributed packet switching for local computer networks," Commun. Ass. Comput. Mach., vol. 19, pp. 395-404, July 1976.

[15]  J. G. Mitchell, W. Maybury, and R. Sweet, Mesa Language Manual, Xerox Palo Alto Res. Cen., Palo Alto, CA, Tech. Rep. CSL-79-3, 1979.

[16]  A. Pohm, 0. Agrawal, and R. Monroe, "The cost and performance tradeoffs of buffered memories," Proc. IEEE, vol. 63, pp. 1129-1135, Aug. 1975.

[17]  M. D. Schroeder, "Performance of the GE-645 associative memory while MULTICS is in operation," in Proc. ACM SIGOPS Workshop Syst. Performance Evaluation, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, Apr. 1971, pp. 227-245.

[18]  W. D. Strecker, "Cache memories for PDP-1 I family computers," in Proc. 3rd Annu. Symp. Compel. Arch., 1976, pp. 155-158.

[19]  A. S. Tanenbaum, "Implications of structured programming for machine architecture," Commun. Ass. Comput. Mach., vol. 21, pp. 237-246, Mar. 1978.

[20]  W. Teitelman, Interlisp Reference Manual.     Palo Alto, CA: Xerox Palo
Alto Res. Cen., 1978.

[21]  C. P. Thacker, E. M. McCreight, B. W. Lampson, R. F. Sproul', and D. R. Boggs, "Alto: A personal computer," in Computer Structures: Readings and Examples, 2nd ed., Siewiorek, Bell, and Newell, Eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981, to be published; also in Tech. Rep. CSL-79-11, Xerox Palo Alto Res. Cen., Palo Alto, CA, 1979.

[22]     R. M. Tomasulo, "An efficient algorithm for exploiting multiple arithmetic units," IBM J. Res. Develop., vol. 11, pp. 25-33, Jan. 1967.

[23] M. V. Wilkes, "Slave memories and segmentation," IEEE Trans.
........ CIA 4,0                                                     I

Text Box: ratory of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA. Prior to this, he was Assistant and then Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, and was one of the founders of the Berkeley Computer Corporation, acting as Director of System Development until 1971. He is presently working on computer archi¬tecture, programming languages, digital printing, and office automation.Text Box:  Text Box:  Douglas W. Clark received the B.S. degree in engi­neering and applied science from Yale University, New Haven, CT, in 1972 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Carnegie-Mellon Universi­ty, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1976.

From 1976 to 1980 he was a Member of the Re­search Staff at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Cen­ter, Palo Alto, CA, where he worked mainly on the design and implementation of the Dorado comput­er. In 1980 he joined the Systems Architecture Group of the Digital Equipment Corporation, Tewksbury, MA, as a Principal Engineer. His current work is in the areas of computer architecture and hardware performance measurement and evalu­ation.

Text Box: Butler W. Lampson received the A.B. degree from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley.
Currently, he is a Senior Research Fellow in the Computer Science Labo 
Text Box:  Kenneth A. Pier received the B.S. degree in 1968 and the M.S. degree in 1975 from the University of California, Berkeley.

Since 1977 he has been a Member of the Re­search Staff at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Cen­ter, Palo Alto, CA. Until 1980 he worked primari­ly on the design, implementation, and commis­sioning of the Dorado system. In 1980 he joined the Imaging Sciences Laboratory at Xerox and is now working in the area of computer graphics and imaging systems.

Congestion Control of Packet Communication

Networks by Input Buffer Limits A Simulation



Abstract—An experimental study was conducted using a network simulator to investigate the performance of packet communication networks as a function of: the network resource capacities (channels, buffers), the network load (number of virtual channels, virtual channel loads), protocols (flow control, congestion control, routing), and pro­tocol parameters (virtual channel window size, input buffer limits). Performance characteristics are shown and the design of input buffer limits for network congestion control, virtual channel window size, and nodal buffer capacity addressed. Network design strategies for the control of load fluctuations are proposed and discussed.

Index Terms—Buffer management, congestion control, flow con­trol, input buffer limits, packet switching networks, performance analysis, resource allocation, store-and-forward networks.

Manuscript received December 30, 1980; revised May 5, 1981. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS78- 01803. A short version of this paper was presented at the International Con­ference on Computer Communications, Atlanta, GA, October 1980.

S. S. Lam is with the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712.

Y. C. L. Lien was with the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. He is now with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.


HE OBJECTIVE of a packet communication network

is to reliably deliver packets from their sources to their destinations within acceptable time delays. Thus, an important performance measure of a packet network is its throughput rate in packets delivered per second.

Throughput is generated when individual packets progress through the network following unite (preferably acyclic) paths. Packets admitted into the network require the allocation of different types of resources to progress. The packet buffers at a network node form one type of resource. There are different types of buffer resources corresponding to different nodes in the network. The set of communication channels (usually just one) that transports packets from one node to another node is another type of resource. There are different types of channel resources corresponding to different communication links.

To generate a packet's worth of throughput, the network must first admit a packet and then allocate to it a set of re‑

• I'.            n-n                                       .....                                     r           CN • •                                •-•